The forced conversion of Christian girls and women in Egypt to Islam by kidnapping or seduction/lure.


The forced conversion of Christian girls and women in Egypt to Islam by kidnapping or seduction/lure.

This is an alarm bell for all Christian families around the world, because every Christian woman, regardless of her country, whether she lives in the West or in the East, is the target of any Muslim organization, regardless of the mission and the role of the Muslim organization, all Muslim organizations work secretly for the Islamization of the whole world.


"Jihad / conquest of the womb" or "soaking the Lupine" as the organizations of the abduction of Coptic Christian women call it is simply seducing Coptic girls and ladies, kidnapping them and converting them to Islam by force, by rape, by seduction or by lure.

"Jihad/invasion of the womb" is a scheme that has been carefully worked out since the time of the corrupt former president Anwar Al-Sadat,

and this scheme was aimed at completely Islamizing Egypt within a period of about fifty years from the beginning of its implementation, and to belittle the remaining percentage of Egyptian Christians (Copts) to shoe wipers (according to the words of President Sadat), or to exert the most violent pressure on them to expel them from Egypt and force them to migrate abroad,

and the financing of this evil scheme depend on the funds of the princes of the Wahhabi movement of the Al Saud family and the oil princes of the Gulf and Saudia Arabia,

funds generously spent to trap Christian girls and women in all ways and by all means, the amounts are very, very large and the cost of trapping a Christian girl amounted to more than thousands of Egyptian pounds and dollars,

the Muslim who brings a Christian girl or woman to Islam by any means whatsoever takes half of the amount of money of the price paid for the kidnapping of the Christian girl or woman, and the rest is divided between the police (if they help) and members of the cooperating legitimate Islamic associations; the value of the amounts increases, sometimes it is double if the Christian girl or woman comes from an important family among the Christian public, for example, she is the daughter of a university professor, the daughter of a policeman, a relative of a servant of the Church or, for example, the daughter of a Christian priest, each girl according to the social status of her family and her Christian ranks.

The kidnapping of Christians in general and their conversion to Islam by force or by any other means is for Muslims and for Muslim associations the source of income (business) and a service they render to their Islamic god.

Over the years and due to the large sums allocated to finance the forced Islamization of the Christians of the world (and not only the Christians of Egypt), these Islamic associations in Egypt have spread throughout Egypt from North to South.

The biggest focus is on Christian girls and women in order to increase the oppression of Christian men, because the honor of the Eastern (oriental) man resides in his daughter, sister and wife, so that his feeling of shame is severe when his sister, daughter or wife is taken away from him.

Muslims have resorted to many means and tricks that start by focusing first on emotions and on the weakness of any woman in front of her instincts. and sometimes involve the Christian girl or woman in a moral scandal and use it as a pressure card so that the Christian girl or woman does what the Muslims ask her to do.

Many [Coptic] Christian girls and women were lured into false relationships through fraudulent means or forcible abductions. These women were coerced into converting to Islam and married to their abductors against their wills.

Muslim Captors sever contact between Christian victims and their families. The first task of the captor is to come between the Christian girl or woman and members of her family. They can do this by force, by taking away her phone, by denying her any contact with her relatives. They lock her up. They deny her mobility. They threaten her by telling her that her family would disown her.

The large majority of these Christian girls and women are never reunited with their families or friends because in most cases the police in Egypt behave in a corrupt and contemptuous manner towards Christians.

The few Coptic Christian girls and women who are found testify that they were drugged and kidnapped or kidnapped with violence and that they were savagely beaten. These Christian girls and women have reported forced conversions to Islam, rape, forced marriages with Muslims, forced domestic servitudes and exploitations for prostitution.


CONVERSION TO ISLAM is the ultimate goal of "Jihad / invasion of the womb" or "soaking the lupine".

- and-

It doesn't matter how and by what means to convert people to islam,

But what is important is that the more people who convert to islam, the more the number of muslims increases and the more muslims will seize the powers of countries to eventually seize the power of the whole world.

Conversion to Islam, even by force, is always accepted and encouraged by all Muslims regardless of their country.

This is why the Egyptian government refuses to intervene in cases of abduction of Christian (Coptic) girls and women.

In addition, the second (2nd) article of the Egyptian Constitution states that “Islam is the religion of the state and the principles of Islamic Sharia are the main sources of legislation.”

By this article of the Egyptian Constitution, the Egyptian government has been granted an Islamist right that goes against the rights and freedoms of human beings and which gives it (illegally) the right not to intervene in cases of abduction of Christian girls and women for the purpose of forced Islamization.

Moreover, the abduction of Christian girls and women by Muslims includes married Christian women with or without children, and the important reason for this is that under the Egyptian law of 2012, if a woman converts to Islam, her children, according to the law, would be considered Muslims.

Based in shari’a law, the court considers that a person choosing to convert to Islam has accepted all its tenets (including giving up their right to convert away from it, because they know it is prohibited in Islam). The obvious problem for kidnapped Christian Coptic women and girls who are forcibly converted to islam is that they are always denied the autonomy to choose their faith or to return to their faith once forcibly converted.

There is ample evidence pointing to organized networks related to Salafist groups, which are actively engaging in the phenomenon that we call ‘Jihad of the Womb.’

“Muslim clerics present this ‘procreation’ jihad as a way of killing two birds with one stone: seize and seed non-Muslim women with Muslim babies. Doing so depletes the infidels’ ranks of women and the non-Muslim babies they might have birthed, while simultaneously increasing both for Islam.”


In Egypt, there is widespread Egyptian corruption towards Christians. The Egyptian government, ministries and Egyptian security forces do not treat Christians as equal to Muslims

The Egyptian government and the Egyptian security forces turn a blind eye when a Christian person is abducted and Islamized by force or by any other means, thus creating a culture of silence that allows Islamist kidnappers to carry out kidnappings with almost 100% impunity.

In many of these cases, no investigative report has been completed, and none of the known perpetrators have been brought to trial—meaning there is complete impunity for those who abduct Coptic Christians.

In all of these cases, the Egyptian police refuse to use words such as “kidnapped” or “disappeared” when writing the initial police report. The Egyptian Police will only use the word absent, even when there is evidence of abduction.

When Christian families know the name of muslim abductors and/or individuals involved with the crime, Egyptian police refuse to include the suspects’ names in their initial police reports.

Egyptian Police often know details of the abduction and where the Christians are being held. If the Egyptian Police can suddenly recover these abducted Christians without any new leads in the case, then the Egyptian Police know where these Christians are being eld.

Egyptian Police regularly lie and mislead family members about the case details of their missing family members in hopes of causing them to give up on the search.

The Egyptian police abuse their position of power by attacking the Christian families and Christian friends of the kidnapped Christian person who peacefully protest against his/her abduction.

There are countless Christian families who report that police have either been complicit in the kidnapping or at the very least bribed into silence, police response in Egypt is dismissive and corrupt.

Someone said: "I met the father of a kidnapped 15-year-old Christian teenager girl. The Christian father has discovered the identity of the kidnapper and the whereabouts of his daughter. The father went to the police station and asked the police to save his daughter. The police officer slapped the Christian father's face and shouted: "Do you think I have nothing better to do than look for your daughter!'”

Despite ample recording and reporting of these cases, the Egyptian government continues its determined stance to deny the issue, much less to seriously address the abduction of Coptic christian girls and women.

The Egyptian government’s tactic is to deny the extant of abduction of Christian girls and women.  Their official response is that the women freely chose to leave Christian families and convert to Islam.

SCÉNARIOS of forced abduction and islamization of Coptic Christian girls and women:

Some of the most common scenarios in the forced abduction and disappearance of Christian Coptic women and girls include:

Luring minor Coptic girls into romantic relationships by Muslim men; the typical scenario includes promises of eloping to start a new life together after which the girl discovers she has been tricked and is then at the mercy of her captors; these girls are forcibly converted to Islam and married to muslim men. Often, the captors take videos of the girls being sexually abused and threaten to share the videos with their families and communities as a means of enforcing the shame culture and deterring the girls from trying to return to their families.

According to a former Egyptian muslim trafficker, “one of the strategies they used to gain the girls’ trust was for the kidnapper, a Muslim man, to tell the Christian girl he loved her and wanted to convert to Christianity for her. He explained that “They start a romantic relationship until, one day, they decide to ‘escape’ together. What the girls don’t know is that they are actually being kidnapped. Most of the time they will not marry their kidnapper, but someone else.”

The same trafficker shared another story. “I remember a Coptic Christian girl from a rich, well-known family in Minya. She was kidnapped by five Muslim men. They held her in a house, stripped her and filmed her naked. They threatened to make the video public if the girl would not convert to islam and comply to what they want.”

The scheme of "Jihad / invasion of the womb" or "Soaking the Lupine" may go through several stages, namely:

The first stage:

Coptic Christian women targeted for kidnapping and Islamization by force are easily spotted because they do not wear a hijab, and most of the time they wear a necklace with a cross; it is easy to spot a Christian woman in public, for example on the way home from schools or in workplaces, in public transport and walking on public roads.

A group of muslim kidnappers meets in a mosque to discuss potential victims. They keep a close eye on Christians’ houses and monitor everything that’s going on. On that basis, they weave a spider’s web around [the girls].”

A study of the conditions of each Coptic adolescent girl and her weaknesses is undertaken. When cases are studied by Islamist organizations specializing in the forced islamization of Coptic women, it is important in the study to know if the young Christian is weak or strong in character, and if it is possible to deceive her or not.

In addition, a study is underway on the Christian girl's family to find out if this girl's family has weight in society and if they can raise their voice or not against the Muslim kidnappers because the prey must be of a weak character so that she can be easily controlled, and also her family must be simple people, weak, ignorant of the law and afraid of shame, so that they cannot create problems for the Islamist kidnappers and publicly demand the return of their Christian daughter.

After completing the first stage perfectly and identifying the prey, the second stage is launched.

The second stage:

The tactic is to use Muslim women to be the link between the Christian prey and between organized Islamist networks/groups working for the Islamization of Christians

The 2nd stage is a stage in which some Muslim girls and women appear in the life of the Christian prey among school friends, neighbors or work colleagues, and these Muslim girls or women create a strong friendship with the Christian girl and knowing all her secrets, discuss religious issues and also bring gifts to the Christian prey.

Many times these Muslim girls and women put drugs in the cups of drinks offered to Christian girls and women to control their willpower, and after reaching a high level of friendship, the Christian prey is presented to one of the young Muslim men, and from there the third stage begins.

The third stage:

The young Muslim man begins to surround his Christian prey with a lot of attention, tenderness and false love.

Of course, the easiest way to reach a woman's heart is to give her attention and surround her with love.

The situation continues like this for a few months without despair, and the Muslim man treats the Christian prey with great tenderness and imaginary love to attract her so that the Christian prey does not turn away from this young Muslim man.

Shortly after, this Muslim man rapes the Christian girl several times under the influence of drugs that are administered to her without her knowledge in a glass of drink or water, then the Muslim man threatens the Christian girl to expose her and her family, and sometimes pregnancy occurs.

Then, the Muslim man puts pressure on the young Christian girl to escape from her family and marry him, deluding her that this is the solution so that she will not be exposed to scandal.

The Christian prey, under pressure and threat, becomes forced to accept, which, of course, constitutes kidnapping by seduction and deception and is a crime punishable by law.

But how can this young man and the organization behind him escape punishment? This is the fourth stage.

The fourth stage

Take the Christian girl to one of the prepared places to hide her, so that this Christian prey cannot get out at all and neither the police nor one of the parents of this Christian can find her.

Then the Muslims begin to torture her, intimidate her from her parents and the Church, begin to brainwash this Christian girl to convince her that the Bible is falsified and that Christ is not God and so on, trying to completely erase the Christian faith from the brain of this Christian prey.

A former muslim kidnapper stated that his group “rented apartments in different areas of Egypt to hide kidnapped Coptic girls. There, they put them under pressure and threaten them to convert to Islam.

And once the Christian girls abducted reach the legal age, a specially arranged Islamic representative comes in to make the conversion to islam official, issue a certificate of islamization and accordingly muslim change the ID cards of the kidnapped Christian girls and islamized by force”.

Regarding the networks / groups working for Islamization, these networks are often supported by like-minded members (including high-ranking officials) of the police, national security and local administrations. Their roles include refusal to lodge official complaints by the victims’ families, falsifying police investigations, organizing the formal sessions of conversion to Islam at Al-Azhar, and harassing Christian families into silence and acceptance of the de facto trafficking of their loved ones.

The process of "Jihad / invasion of the womb" or "Soaking the Lupine" is also applied with married Christian women through online, contacts and neighbors, in the same way as with Christian girls.

N.B.: The process of "Jihad/invasion of the womb" or "Lupine Soaking" can sometimes begin by engaging in superficial theological debates initiated by those who ignore and denigrate the fundamental principles of Christianity, targeting the young and relatively uneducated.

Given the overwhelming propaganda, through education and the media, constantly hammering a message claiming the superiority of Islam, this can constitute an element for the indirect but forced Islamization of Christians, especially in the countryside where the majority of villages are denied permission to have churches and therefore some Coptic Christians may be insufficiently prepared to counter-debate due to their limited knowledge of the Bible.

* * *

The crimes committed against Christians must be urgently addressed by International Community and International Human Rights organizations ending impunity for kidnappers, their accomplices, and police who refuse to perform their duties.

Christian girls and women who disappear and are never recovered must live an unimaginable nightmare.



Memoirs of a demon

Confessions of a former Sharia Association member who Islamized a number of Christian girls in Egypt

Ahmed Awni Shalakami - Former musulman

Please kindly contribute to the publication of this book for free via the internet or by any safe means.

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Download File in English - ENG_Memoirs_demon_Egyptian__.pdf

(Note: Link to the original text in Arabic as written by its author.)

Original text in Arabic



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