Memoirs of a demon

Confessions of a former Sharia Association member who Islamized a number of Christian girls in Egypt

Ahmed Awni Shalakami - Former musulman

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My upbringing was as I mentioned in my testimony that I had already written and which can be found on many websites, and here I am writing a very brief summary of my Islamic life previously. - I am from a fundamentalist Muslim family, we lived in the city of Giza, on Gameaat Al-Dowal Al-Arabiya street, my father was a construction contractor and had an Islamic activity which consisted of his presidency of one of the legitimate Islamic associations of Giza and he led the prayers in the mosque belonging to this association, sometimes he even gave the Friday sermons and gave Islamic lessons. At the moment when he secretly broke the Ramadan fast, he insisted on imposing fasting on us, children under the age of 10, and we fasted in spite of ourselves and despite our young age, fasting by threat of a stick, it was incredible.

My father has always been very hateful to the Christians and their corrupt faith from his point of view, and we have learned that they are polytheistic people who deified Christ, the son of Mary, the prophet of God, and even they contradict themselves, sometimes they say Christ, the son of God, and sometimes they find a verse in their distorted book indicating that Christ is a prophet based on this verse. And other attacks, which Christians are used to hearing through loudspeakers on the streets, cassette tapes recorded in studios under the stairs, and some camera preachers and advocates of artists and broadcasters such as Sheikh Shaarawi and Sheikh Al-Ghazali, may Allah have mercy and forgive them. In this atmosphere, any Muslim man arises inside our dear Egypt, because I suckled the hatred of Christians from my mother's breast with milk.

And now back to the legitimate Association, of which my father was the chairman of the board of directors, this association had several activities, namely housing for female students-workshop-dispensary –kindergarten, also a section to learn and memorize the Koran, and finally, a section dedicated to learning the teachings. I had spoken some time ago about a scheme that had been carefully elaborated since the time of the corrupt former president Anwar Sadat, and this scheme was carefully elaborated by Sheikh Mohammed Abdul Halim Mahmoud, the former sheikh of Al-Azhar, Mr. Hussein Al-Shafi'i, ex-vice-president and dissident of Sadat, who now insults him with inappropriate words, Sheikh Abdul Hamid Kishk and others, and they had people in queues who came from the alleys such as Mohammed Osman Ismail the former governor of Assiut and the other who is Mohammed Abdul Mohsen Saleh, who received an intermediate diploma in agriculture (...). These people were the first constituent elements of the associations of Islamic orientation, and my father who, and forgive me the expression (squeegee), was one of these very important people close to the faithful President Mohammed Anwar Sadat, this drinker of halal whiskey and pipe (pipe). This scheme was aimed at completely Islamizing Egypt within fifty years from the start of its implementation and transferring the remaining percentage of Copts to shoe wipers, or exerting the most violent pressure on them to expel them from Egypt and force them to emigrate abroad, and the financing of this evil scheme depended on the funds of the princes of the Wahhabi movement of the Al Saud family and the oil princes of the Gulf, there were funds generously spent to trap Christian girls in every way and every way means, the amounts were very, very large and the price for trapping a girl amounted to more than five thousand Egyptian pounds, a monetary value of the mid-seventies and eighties and the amount was divided so that whoever brings a girl to a legitimate association takes half of the amount The rest is divided between the police if there is help from them, and between the members of cooperating legitimate associations, and the amount currently increased to start from ten thousand for the average girl, then the price will gradually increase to reach from fifty thousand to a hundred thousand pounds, and sometimes twice as much if the girl comes from an important family among Christians, for example, she is the daughter of a university professor, the daughter of a policeman, an Undersecretary of the Ministry, a servant of the church or, for example, a relative of a Christian religious, each girl according to the social status of her family and its impact and what it will cause as an effect for Christians, and for us, to take revenge and anger the crowd of Christians, we were having a party in the street to celebrate the girl converted to Islam with drums, young people were waving flags and repeating Allah akbar, Allah Akbar. Islam has triumphed. People were crying out loud for Christians to feel shame and injustice. And woe to anyone from the Christian girl's family or to any Christian who tried to get in our way while we were celebrating because there were always two police cars securing the party, one in the front and one in the back. This was the established reality until the mid-eighties, when the celebrations were canceled from mid-1985, But the scheme continued and the rhythm of trapping Christian girls and women continued in all dirty and obscene ways. The greatest emphasis was placed on Christian girls and women in order to increase the oppression of Christian men because the honor of the oriental man is in his daughter, his sister and his wife, so his feeling of shame and his shame is severe when his sister, his daughter or his wife is taken away from him, we used to resort to many ways and tricks that started by focusing on emotion first and focusing on the vulnerability of any female to her instinct. And sometimes we would involve the Christian girl or lady in a sex scandal and use this scandal as a pressure card to do what we wanted with her, it was for us and for the association to which I belonged the source of income (company), and these associations spread throughout Egypt from North to South, and I also had the full conviction that every time I introduced a girl to Islam, I was written a carat in Paradise and this idea made us go further and further in our planning.

I will talk in the following pages about a number of girls that I personally entrapped, how I was planning and what meticulous plans were used in that matter and forgive me, dear reader, I was doing this with ignorance and lack of faith I thought I was pleasing Allah, Allah from whom I was deceived in Islam, but by the grace of Christ I was able to return all the girls an alarm bell for all families, young women, ladies, young men and men I direct my book to all Christian families I write so that we all learn from our mistakes and learn together about conspiracies As I am writing this, I am afraid of what I am afraid that a reckless girl or a teenager will read it, so she thinks that she will have an adventure and take this damn step.I do not write for entertainment and I must note that every girl or lady has her own circumstances and there are many who wish to return, but their return has now become impossible because there are many and many obstacles, so I write not for entertainment or to take the story as a principle that repeats, but I write so that everyone knows how to plan and trap girls and ladies.

And to the soul of the faithful friend, the martyr Salah Mahmoud, whose pure blood, which flowed for the name of Christ after being a member of the Islamic community and resisting the Lord and his church, and the Lord illuminated his heart and his eyes, was the beginning of the path for me for research and study, and his intercession and his prayers were the best support for me, because of which I was renewed and transformed as Saul was transformed. This book is dedicated for the glory of God himself and for the blessing of Salah's soul in the kingdom of heaven, blessed with all the martyrs and Saints.

And to the Lord the Earth and all that is in it.

John Ahmed


April 2005



The girl: N. M. G.

She was a girl from Cairo studying at a practical College in a city where my family moved to when I was in the preparatory stage, because my father worked in the field of contracting in a new city of its new cities, and we stayed in that city for a long time, which lasted until I entered the University .And there were the first cases of Islamization , it was this girl who came to study at a certain college and she was very beautiful and I knew from her(Muslim) classmates that she might be an easy catch. It was her (Muslim) colleagues who drew my attention to her, although she was sincere in her friendship with these (Muslim) girls, but for them (Muslim girls) she (the Christian girl) was unfaithful because she is a Christian. And I arranged several meetings during which I practiced the language of eager eyes, I was good at that game and used a certain tone in my voice to show that I fell in love at first sight, and when the conversation started between me and her, I was trying to talk to her in skeptical questions against the Christian faith. But I was finding answers, even if they were trivial answers from my point of view, and I paid attention to the need to change my way of catching my prey, so I began to convince her of love, and I was good at shedding crocodile tears in front of her, and this was repeated several times until what I wanted to reach happened. What I wanted happened in secret several times and her colleagues were aware of everything that was going on and they had the role of talking to her about her love for me and my love for her, and the act was repeated. And I started by deceiving her by telling her that we will get married and that each of us is on his religion and that it is scriptural and that Islam recognizes the people of the book (Christians and Jews) that they are people who worship Allah, and what I had planned happened, and the pregnancy took place and then I started a new game, I had gone to church with her in secret without anyone knowing that I am Muslim and I was going to buy books and photos to convince her that I admire Christianity and that if it was allowed, I would be converted, and I love her and I can't live without her, and so can she, and now here's the problem, I can't convert because I will be killed, but she can and won't face this, or any punishment " the girl didn't think much about it but she was just scared and didn't know what to do. And it so happened that one Thursday she went to her family's house and I agreed with her to keep it a secret and pretend and also asked her to go to church on Friday to make a very ordinary confession, eat a piece of communion and drink a sip of wine, which they (Christians) said was the blood and body of Christ, and to do her service (Sunday school) in the church, and she really did, In the evening , I was waiting for her arrival with a bag of clothes and the gold she had and we went to my house on Gameaat Al-Dowal Al-Arabiya street where she spent the night, and on Saturday morning she was at the appointment in front of the specialized employee of Al-Azhar (the main Islamic institution), then I organized her escape to her place of study and my place of residence in the city where I lived until the end of my studies and her name was changed from NG to Fatma Al-Zahraa Muhammad Ali Al-Mahdi and his name became Islamic. And all the attempts of her family and the attempts of Christians to get her back failed, but she refused with all her might and it was the effect of brainwashing, and convinced herself that she now worships the right Allah in Islam, and five weeks passed and here I have achieved a victory for Allah and for Islam and the reward for that was a large amount of money and the rest was distributed, as I explained, and of course Karat has been written to me in Paradise, so why now do I keep her as a wife that she is a traitor and a debauchee who was cheap of flesh and just for pleasure only, and there is a proverb that says race is false, so my Muslim son will not have Christian relatives who are infidels and will never have Christian blood in his body, and I showed my real face when I ordered her to abort the fetus, I used the legitimate right to beat. And now you have to work for your food, because the dirty hand is unclean and there is nothing to eat without work, serve your Muslim masters, who picked you up on the street, not enough to have married you bitch, daughter of the …. .

I started thinking about the same game because I was serving my religion by converting non-believers to Islam and I would get rewards and carats would be written in my name in Heaven. And here she is, she is an unpaid servant woman who works just to eat and when I want to have fun, she is considered one of the queens of the right, I was delighting in hurting her, beating her and hurting her dignity and I was absolutely sure that she was not a Muslim from the inside and she did all these actions just for her lust, so I always wanted to take revenge on her. Fatma continued with me for three years, seven months and twelve days until the Promised Day came to me personally on a Sunday in 1998, when I decided to accept Christ as Savior and Redeemer.at at that time, Christ Himself appeared to me after several searches and studies and I turned from Muslim to atheist and retired from everyone for the sake of these searches, and this is written in detail in a separate test and at that moment, I confessed my desire to my wife but she didn't believe me until she saw that my tears really came from the heart. In three years, seven months and twelve days, I managed to convert eight girls to Islam other than what my father was able to convert according to his plans, and I say that I also managed to convert back to Christianity the nine girls who were converted to Islam by me and many of those who were converted by my father. I am currently praying for the rest, receiving news of the return of one girl after another.

May the name of the Lord be glorified.



The girl: D. B. A.

A girl studying at a college an hour and a half away from her home had a superficial relationship with the church, but unfortunately, she was lukewarm in her love, she wanted to serve two Masters God and the world, and this girl was from a socially significant family, her father and mother are doctors having an excellent reputation, and her brothers are medical officers in the Egyptian Armed Forces, in addition to what was said about them that they were the owners of a huge economic entity. But nevertheless, although she was open in her relationship with her Muslim and Christian colleagues, and despite her always smiling and laughing face and her way of joking and clowning, we couldn't find an entrance for her easily and I thought we should use the method of blows under the belt, It is necessary to use any means, the end justifies the means, and we young Muslims are constantly at war with these impure people, and war is a trick. I was approached by a Muslim man who told me that he wanted to marry this girl and asked me to help him convince her of Islam in any way, and I thought a lot and found out that "D's" close friend is a Muslim girl, and she is a devout Muslim, but yet she considers this Christian girl to be her sister. I went to the Muslim colleague and talked to her about the corruption of the Christian faith and about the Almighty saying [Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you till you follow their religion.] and also saying [O believers! Take neither Jews nor Christians as guardians—they are guardians of each other. Whoever does so will be counted as one of them. Surely Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.] and jihad against them is an obligatory duty for every Muslim man and Muslim woman, moreover, it will be written to her (muslim girl) that she contributed to the victory of Islam and also has a carat in Paradise. And the Muslim colleague was convinced and asked us what to do, I told her not to show her (Christian girl) hatred, but to treat her (Christian girl) very normally and even the friendship relationship should be strengthened more in the coming period. And I went to a Muslim pharmacist, one of our colleagues from our Sharia Association, and asked him for a drug that whoever takes it becomes absent-minded (hallucinations) and told him the reason, so he accepted for the victory of Islam and carats in Paradise and paradisiac damsels in heaven. And I brought the pills to the Muslim colleague and I told her to dissolve two tablets in a cup of milk for breakfast (which the Christian girl will eat), then two tablets on the plate that she (the Christian girl) will eat at lunchtime, then two tablets in a cup of yogurt (which the Christian girl will eat), and when she (the Muslim) notices a change, she calls us, and it happened, and the girl (Christian) started hallucinating and has an unbalanced behavior, and we went to the girls' apartment, me and this other guy, and I had a small video camera and a photographic camera, and we kept joking with her, and she was joking, but she (the Christian) didn't feel what we were doing until it happened and the young man stripped her of her clothes in the bedroom, and the rest, you know very well, and I was filming for three hours. The girl woke up and found that she had lost her virginity and purity, screamed, convulsed, cursed us, cursed Islam and the Prophet of Islam and tried to tear up the Koran that was with her friend. But I showed her the video tape and the photos that were like a guillotine on her neck. the tape and the photos will be printed and distributed to all Christian families and young Christians, as well as to her family, and her family is a very famous family. the scandal will be resounding and she (D.) cried and went down to kiss shoes, but all her pleas were in vain and now you must do everything we ask of you, otherwise you know your fate, especially since your brothers and parents will kill you if they see these photos or take notice of the video you shot, and the poor woman gave in and I was happy when I saw tears of grief and depression in her eyes. And she went with us for fifteen days to the Sharia Association to prepare her intellectually, and something like brainwashing was done for her by a number of Sheikhs, that poor woman was not able to argue with them, but she was crying most of the time, and now it's time to go to the Security Directorate and you have to execute every word by letter. When the state security officer asks you why you want to convert to Islam, tell him that I dreamed of the Prophet Muhammad, he tells me, peace be upon you, Aisha, and he was with the Prophet of Allah Isa, who greeted me with the greeting of Islam and denied the current Christians and testified that there is no God but Allah the God of his messenger and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and kissed the head of our messenger Muhammad and Isa said to me:- Repeat Allah words [And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him (God), and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.]. She did this in front of the state security officer, but her family is very important and she has two brothers who are officers, so they asked her to come and her mother cried, but she cursed her mother and the priests who attended. All this was arranged and agreed upon, and I declare it here in all honesty that all the counseling and guidance sessions that we arranged were nothing but legal plays and representations prepared, arranged and agreed with the security personnel. The session was repeated with “D” and a second and third priest came to see her, but she will only say what we only tell her, (the girl always said: it's none of your business, I am convinced, I am free, our Lord guides you) and finally the official procedures were completed and D pronounced the two Shahadahs and we finished her new papers within 48 hours with her new Islamic name Aisha Abdullah Al-Mahdi, and what we planned is realized. This young Muslim took advantage of his entrapment of this poor woman and grabbed his reward, which was a large sum, because the girl and her family are renowned among Christians. And I took from him 25% of his share, which he received, in addition to a special amount allocated to me because I was one of the cooperating individuals and everything we expected as humiliation tainted this Christian family after the loss of their daughter. Her mother sold her pharmacy at a low price, her father sold his clinic, they liquidated all their businesses and went to the hustle and bustle of the capital and its human noise, so that they could escape the scandal. Our sister Aisha was married in Islam to our brother Mujahid Yasser, and the poor woman was trying to convince herself of an illusory happiness, that she was thus following the true religion, she was trying to live her life, but she was rejected and despised by her husband's mother and sisters. She stayed at her husband Yasser's side for only two months, exactly 60 days and, after Yasser felt that he had taken his pleasure and that it was enough, and that there was no need to stay with this prey, he divorced her and Aisha became homeless. Of course, she is our sister in Islam, she cannot sleep on the street, I took her to the headquarters of the Sharia Association to stay and work as a housekeeper at the medical clinic in exchange for her accommodation and food, she stayed like this for three months (according to the deadline set by the Sharia for Muslim women after her divorce) until the arrival of her future Muslim husband, who, when he learned her story, asked to marry her. This groom was a plow driver, married with 6 children and works in the morning as a maintenance worker at the governorate General Court and the poor woman tried to beg us not to marry her this groom, but her entreaties and crying did not find any way to stone hearts and she married the plow driver and tasted with him all kinds of humiliation and torment. She had to work so that he, his other wife and his children could eat, she worked at home and worked as a vegetable seller. Everyone who saw her could not believe himself that this was the girl, the daughter of respected people, the daughter of a doctor, and she was a university student who was a distant dream for any young man of her religion, and how famous her family was, the poor woman turned into a ghost and what happened with her first husband happened again, she was divorced after five months, but she did not remarry, she married twice, she has a video and photographs since the time she was a Christian, and therefore she became a mass of impurity for Muslims. Then the poor woman found no place to sleep except in a tent camp/Shelter for urgent accommodation, she continued to live an inhuman life there. Finally, she raised her eyes to heaven, remembered her Redeemer, her lover and her savior, and cried out to him with all her heart, have mercy on me, The Sinner. God took pity on her and responded to her. At that moment, I had received the sacrament of Baptism in secret and I had asked questions about each of the girls converted to Islam and learned what her miserable condition was and I went to her with my dear wife, who preceded her and returned to the barn and to the bosom of the church and my wife talked to her about whether she would like to return to Christ like her. And D did not believe herself and cried bitter tears, tears of consolation, repentance, sorrow and joy, And this time I took her to my new house and that night we prayed and sang together, she and my wife and I, And now we must do what we must do towards her family and inform her family about the condition of their daughter, so I sent one of my wife's relatives to them, along with one of the priest fathers, and they talked about the prodigal son and his return, and her mother, father and brothers cried and wished they could see her, a date was set for the happy meeting in a famous church in Cairo, where many miracles and wonders are happening with the power of God's high hand, and it was a meeting that made the stone cry. nothing happened that I expected. no insult happened to her from her parents, but I found them eager for her to kiss her and everyone wanted to hug and kiss her, no wonder Christianity is a religion of love, tolerance and forgiveness. I couldn't control myself, so I cried very hard from the intensity of the love I saw, and I was asking myself why we were doing this to Christians. I have always despised their smiles that appear in their faces whenever we criticize them or cause them any harm or insult, and I was saying that these smiles are malicious smiles because they are a minority and they cannot show Muslims any objection, otherwise their fate is known but now I understand the secret of that smile, it is love, tolerance and forgiveness, it is the love of enemies and their pacifism that trait is found only in Christianity. After the interview between “D” and her family, she went with them to their home, they took her with all tenderness and love, they did to her as the father did when his prodigal son returned to him. So her mother went to buy clothes befitting her and her father went to buy gold jewelry befitting that girl, the daughter of Christ The King, they held a joyful family celebration, her father and mother chanted a word mentioned in the Bible [because this son of mine was dead, and lived again, and he was lost, and was found; and they began to be merry.]. She returned to the bosom of her beloved ones, her dignity, her dignity and her splendor returned to her, her angelic beauty that was present in her before, the sparkle and light returned to her.

An application was submitted to the seminary Council for her return to Christianity, and it was approved, and one of the Christian lawyers volunteered to file a case for her to get back her Christian name and her original card, and the court ruled for them, and our sister now lives in France serving the Christianity with her Christian husband and daughter (Dina) in the Coptic Church there.

May the name of the Lord be glorified.



The girl: N. M. M.

A rural girl living in one of the villages learns at the secondary level an average education and Her family is middle class, She was more emotionally attached to her father than to her mother, She goes to church for prayer and service, attends spiritual conferences, buys sermon tapes, adores watching movies and biographies of saints, martyrs and her close intercessor, the Great Martyr MarGerges. Our sister  “N”  related to the love of a Christian young man working hard in tourism companies and tourism villages, a self-taught young man, who helped his poor rural family, contributed to the marriage of his sisters and the education of his brothers, his relationship with the church is very good, he is a deacon who does not miss mass, rosary, or Eve, he was able to set up a small matrimonial home in that village, where the number of Christians is no more than a quarter, however, they own most of the agricultural land in this village and life is going on quietly. The mother is dissatisfied with her daughter's innocent love for that young man and tried in every way to dissuade her daughter from loving her, unfortunately, this mother was too cruel, severely beat her and insulted her dignity in front of her colleagues and friends, the mother tried to marry her daughter to her nephew, but the girl refused and cried, she called her father, who works at the public transport authority in Greater Cairo, asking him to come to her rescue, the mother did not like this behavior, so the mother brought her brothers men to discipline the daughter, and they actually came and beat her in the middle of the street with whipping belts and punches on the face, and the girl stood stunned, She ran from the intensity of the beating on the street, begging for anyone, but she entered the door of the first house, which she found open, and it was the House of her colleagues and her Muslim friend, and the dialogue began:

- The muslim girl:  What do they want from you and why are they hitting you like that?
- The muslim girl:  How is it that you are struck with this cruelty?
- The muslim girl:  It's not fair, you don't deserve that.
- The muslim girl:  Why are you enduring this humiliation?
- The muslim girl:
  You should have the one who appreciates you and loves you, not the one who treats you badly.

All these words were said to the (Christian) girl while she was crying, affected and hurt by the beating of her parents and their humiliation of her.

The brother of that Muslim girl was working for us as a concrete worker supervisor named Hassan Abu Zeid and he came to me and told me everything that happened, I immediately realized that it was an easy and valuable catch and asked him if you would like to serve your religion and support Allah and his messenger, and he replied “Yes” for sure, I said to him that you are offering to marry that girl and I will go with you to talk to her, and indeed, I went to tell him that Islam is merciful to its sons and daughters and that you do not deserve this Christian family and that you do not deserve to be with them and that you are a great blessing that they do not appreciate,. I filled her head with the idea of taking revenge on her mother, and that's how she escapes oppression and humiliation, and that she will marry a young man who will protect her and appreciate her, and we will give you a ready apartment and we will hire you after you graduate, but she focused on the idea of taking revenge on her mother and her uncles and that if she converts to Islam, it will be the greatest revenge. The idea of escaping was based on the fact that the Muslim friend went to the Christian girl's family to tell the mother that her daughter would stay with them (at the Muslim friend's house) until her nerves rested, and the second was the day of the baptism of the son of one of the girl's cousins, so they all went to one of the monasteries to attend mass and baptize the child, and they came to take their daughter (the Christian daughter), who refused to accompany them on the pretext of anger, and we watched the Christian family and we knew that they moved by car to go to the mass, so the girl “N” went to her house and collected her clothes, she took a taxi with the young Muslim to go to the police station and met with the assistant detective, asking him to complete the procedures of her conversion to Islam, but he said, when you turn 18, now I can't, but if you insist bring a teething certificate or go to Al-Azhar (main Islamic institution) and they will find you a solution. I immediately ordered the young Muslim to go directly to an apartment in Giza Square and from there to the state security office, and the state security, in turn, said the same thing about the age issue. I called Sheikh Abu al-Yazid in the village of Berma, Tanta, asking for his help in hiding the girl, he immediately agreed and we took the girl to his house, and here we started another role with medicines and drugs, so we were doing her brainwashing by a group of sheikhs, and the girl was given certain types of drugs that took away her willpower and in such a way as to make her accept all the words that were said to her. The girl stayed in the House of Sheikh Abu al-Yazid for more than three weeks at that time, her quiet village was inflamed by sectarianism because of that minor girl, especially after the behavior of the head of the detectives of the center, who went to the village, swearing and with a vengeful air, said: The girl will convert to Islam and whoever opens his mouth, I will arrest her. Christians became more agitated because of this talk, and quarrels began on the part of Christians against Muslims, and there was an attack by one of them on the House of the Muslim family, whose daughter disappeared with their son in an unknown place, the village was surrounded by armored vehicles and central security for more than 45 days, and I am really saying that without the courage of the Christians, there would have been no hope for this girl to return. Then we changed her place of residence from the House of Sheikh Abu al-Yazid to the House of Sheikh Muhammad in the village of Al-Church in al-Gharbiya and she stayed there for 10 days in the same way and the same doses of medicines and the same sessions with the sheikhs of Islam and same conditions. We again changed her place of residence in Cairo to a Muslim family living in the Mohandeseen neighborhood, then the apartment in Giza Square during all this time, we managed to falsify the teething certificate that was registered by Sheikh Nagy Yadem in Behera that the girl is 22 years old, And this man performs great services for our association and for every association that works with us in the same goal.

We went to Al-Azhar and completed the necessary procedures and her name became Islamic, but we knew that the sectarian conditions were not okay in that village and that Christians began to distribute publications against Islam and assaulted Muslim youth and discreetly I went to Friday prayers in that village and after the end of the prayer, a number of Christian youth attacked us and caused us injuries, and I had a cut wound on my forehead that needed 6 stitches, and the effect of this injury is still there until this moment. And it happened that one of the leaders of an Egyptian Muslim opposition party and member of Parliament intervened on behalf of the girl's Christian parents, The situation was escalated to the minister of Interior, who ordered the whole subject to be referred for investigation, and we brought the girl to Sheikh Yasser's house at the Samalot Center for evaluation until we see what the security investigations conclude and we went to another place, the House of engineer Ibrahim Abdul Aziz, a member of one of the Sharia associations and an engineer at the general economic authority for drinking water and sanitation, and his friends Sheikh Yusri and Sheikh Khalid. It was necessary to end the problem for the benefit of Islam, especially after the intervention of the human rights organization and the hunger strike of the girl's Christian sister, and during the long period of  “N's”  absence, we were constantly giving her doses of medicines and sessions with sheikhs and Muslim women preachers daily and for long periods. And now the security instructions are explicit, the girl is asked a direct question about how much she is convinced of the Islamic religion, and if she admits in the affirmative, the girl goes to the book study sessions with the knowledge of the archdiocese, and the proclamation of her Islam is approved only when she reaches the legal age of 18, and not according to the falsified certificate of dentition, If she admits that she is not convinced, she will be handed over to her family immediately with the signing of the legal penalty on the involved police officers, and the most important figure involved was Lieutenant Colonel Ismail Adham Al-Barakawi, head of the center's detectives, who was issued a decision to transfer him to a remote governorate and he has been permanently excluded from the detective service. We started preparing the meeting of the girl  “N”  with the representative of the interior and she was telling us that she was going to do what she was told to do and that she would sign that she converted to Islam by conviction so that her sister would break her hunger strike, but the girl  (N)  was deceiving us and was terribly afraid of us, and when the police car arrived and took the girl wearing the Islamic veil to the headquarters of the directorate of security to first meet her father and the priest of her church, as soon as she saw her father, she broke down crying and threw herself under his foot kissing his shoes and asking him to take her to her sister, who was on hunger strike, and she went to meet the representative of the interior and asked her about the truth of her Islam, and he was surprised that she insults Islam and Muslims and demands revenge on us all, and he decided to hand over the girl to her parents and cancel the certificate of Al-Azhar of her Islam after presenting the matter to the Technical Office of the public prosecution.

It was the biggest blow to us and we felt that our head and the head of the Muslims became in the mud because of it and because of the Christian youth who started the fires .The family traveled to her father's place of work and lived in the Qalyub area and I tried a lot in every way to practice on her that I was in love with her and that I was also ready to convert to Christianity for her, but all my attempts failed and I even almost lost my life at the hands of the young Christian whom she loved .Now she works in the Office of a famous Christian lawyer and is a mother of three children.

May the name of the Lord be glorified.



The girl: B. J. M.

She was also a rural girl who was studying at the University and her problem is recurring, which is the problem of the exaggerated cruelty of the parents, a thin girl with weak features, short in stature, kind to the point of naivety.

She used to take a minibus every day from her village to her college, and sometimes vice versa, she always rode in the front cab of the car, and I saw her, she caught my eye with her sweet childish features, but I saw a snake around her neck, which is a small golden cross, I asked the driver, whose name is Ali Al-Sawy, and he said that she was a university student who always rides with him, and Ali was a secular Muslim, but he was converted to religion through me, and I talked to him about the Christians and the war against them and how he should perform the duty of jihad and that war is a trick with these fuckers. And I started to make a tight plan that has been used a lot and is still being used. I am very suspicious of it because it is currently widespread, I bought a number of Christian brochures and photos in one of the bookstores and I agreed with Ali to pretend to be a Christian and every time this girl goes up with him, he gives her a brochure or a photo when she gets off the minibus and the affair was repeated and the girl got to know Ali who told her that his name was Simon and the relationship was strengthened and Ali was waiting for her every day to take her to her village or wherever she wanted, and it happened and they went out for a walk together in one of the public parks and the picnic was rehearsed, “B” opened his heart to the fake Simon, who increased his role by playing tapes of Christian songs inside his car when he is alone with “B”, she opened her heart to him and complained to him about the cruelty of the father and his very dry character and that he is one of those who consider having daughters a misfortune. This situation lasted for seven whole months, she is sure that he is Simon and is a Christian and she calls him to his house because he lives alone and asks to meet him and see him to complain about his father, he wipes away his tears, and the fruit is ripe and it's time to pick it and I informed him (Ali) of the next step and he convinced her to run away and hide in one of the monasteries and then get married. And it really happened and she was convinced of the idea and set the Zero Hour with the fake Simon, a time when no one is at home, and the driver (Ali / fake Simon) takes her to her house to collect her needs, and out of her naivety she took her Bible with her and we went to a Muslim family and here was the surprise:

- The muslim man:
  Listen, it's time to talk frankly.
- The muslim man:
  You can't go home because they must have known that you escaped, and if your father saw you,
he would beat you.

- The muslim man:
  There is no escape, it's over.
- The muslim man:
  Wears the hijab.
- The muslim man:
  And we chose a Muslim name for you, we chose the name Zainab for you.

She begged, cried, tried to argue with us, and no one answered.

- The muslim man:
  If you want to go, go ahead, but we will not be responsible for you if you are killed.  

And the poor woman was so scared that she had to urinate involuntarily, she screamed and could not stand this shock, but the solution to the shock exists with some sedative drugs that we used for these reasons. She  (“B”)  preferred not to return to her family for fear of being killed, her stay in the apartment lasted a whole month, she sat with Sheikh Ibrahim for an hour and a half a day, and Mrs. Hanaa for an hour a day, and she sat with Lamiaa for an hour a day, that is to say that during the month, she sat for three and a half hours to attend Islamic teachings and she was asked questions to make her doubt Christianity. And the time came, and there, at the Security Directorate, after having prepared her intellectually, she refused to meet her parents and a priest conversed with her for an hour and a half, she had nothing on her tongue but the word that our God guides you as he guided me, she did not answer the priest's question who asked her to convince him of Islam and she did not add any other words. Zainab married Ali al-Sawi and lived by his side, but he turned her life into hell, and I learned from Ali that he ordered abnormal situations for her because he was a sadist and if she didn't comply, he hit her with a washing hose and put out the cigarette butts in sensitive places on her body, and she was always crying and screaming, which made him angrier and he beat her harder and hurt her more, and of course Ali got his financial reward and I got my share of the reward.

Zainab was divorced from Ali after only 53 days and she lost everything, she lost her studies, she lost her dignity, her family, she lost her colleagues and friends, she became in their eyes the meanest name for the meanest thing and went to live in a house of Muslim expatriate students working there as a cleaner, preparing food and meeting the needs of students without any pay just for a cold room to sleep in and what fills her daily thirst. And she stayed like that for 4 months and got married and divorced and lived a strange year and two months lost but the Lord's Mercy is wide and his heart is longing because he is a compassionate, benevolent God and she (“B”) returned, now she lives in the city of Sydney with her new family.

May the name of the Lord be glorified.



Mrs.: Sh. Sh. H.

This sister was nominally a Christian, she was neither cold nor hot in her Christian faith, she knew nothing about her Christianity except a gold cross hanging in a chain around her neck, during her time at university she caused a lot of problems for her parents because of her multiple and intertwined relationship with young people, her father often brought her by force from an emotional interview or anywhere else, she met a young Christian servant who wanted to correct her behavior and married her despite the disapproval of the Church fathers and the lack of blessing from her family, and the lady lived faithfully for a very short time, then she rebelled against the brave man, made many small quarrels with him for no reason and had with him two male children who were very handsome. And she was appointed to a preparatory school and there she saw one of her former college colleagues named Khalid Abdul Rahman Makkawi and started flirting with him. Khalid was very poor and gave private lessons for a few pounds a month. It was she who took her honest husband's money and spent it on Khalid and took advantage of the remoteness of his school from his place of residence in this relationship, Khalid came to me and told me, and I told him that he would get a large sum of money, which was about 7,000 pounds and a possible average of 3,000 more, that is. 10,000 pounds if he could convert her to Islam and I indeed organized a romantic meeting with her in his apartment and I informed the police of their adultery encounter, the police caught them red-handed, and at the police station, she had two options: the first was that an official report be filed and to present the case to the prosecutor's office and the second solution is to correct this mistake. And she chose the second solution, the detectives temporarily released her [illegal release] so that she could go to her house to take clothes, she later returned to the police, from there the lawyer Mohamed Abdel Zaher took her by private car to Al-Azhar (the main Islamic institution) and the procedure for her conversion to Islam was finalized and it was assumed that she would file a complaint against her Christian husband asking for custody of his children as a follower of the best religion, because Egyptian law stipulates that if one of the spouses converts to Islam, he has the right of custody of his children under the age of 18, but the husband took his children and disappeared outside the governorate until one of the priest fathers organized a trip for him abroad and since then he has not returned. After Mrs.  “Sh.”  she kept her original name and did not change it, but her life changed and turned upside down. Mr . Khalid took the amount of 10,000 pounds that he had been given and gave it to his poor family and continued to live with Sh. thanks to the food aid of Muslim families who helped him and considered this help as a reward for him for having made the religion of Allah victorious. And Mrs.  “Sh.”  was crying because she couldn't see her children, and two years passed. She was facing the poverty of life and the lack of resources and she was exhausted by the disease especially because of her psychological state and malnutrition and turned into a ghost with a bloody face and was often saved from suicide and was finally divorced from Khaled after her father  (Sh.'s father)  paid him through me after my baptism, a sum of 100,000 Egyptian pounds and he took his daughter, whom he did not know, she was like the prodigal son, and she smelled of pigs, and without her father, no one would know what her fate would have been.

Procedures were initiated with the Seminary Council so that she could convert back to Christianity and the case, in which Christian lawyers volunteered, was won. Her husband refused to take her as a wife again but allowed her to see her children only one month per year, she now lives with her mother and brother after her father's death in one of the coastal towns.

May the name of the Lord be glorified.



Mrs.: H. H. G.

She was a lady married to a simple but respectable employee, she had a young son who was an accountant, a daughter who was a student at the Faculty of Human Medicine and a daughter who was a student at the Faculty of Dentistry. But she was a reckless woman despite her husband's dedication and love for her, she unfortunately burdened him with material things, however, he accomplished everything she asked, this lady's children had a strong attachment to the Church. It happened that a Muslim colleague sent an assistant on duty to her house to place orders for the purchase of vegetables, groceries, gas cylinders and to clean the apartment, and often this daring worker went there and this lady was alone in the apartment, I learned this from Mrs. “H” 's Muslim colleague, whose name is Mahmoud Farahat Abdel Nasser, and the worker's name is Hussein Zaki Abdel Baqi, and I asked to speak to the worker Hussein, and I told him about our war with the polytheists and that he had to support the religion of Allah, so that Allah would support him and he would have to fight until Allah rewarded him and he would live in a palace in Paradise and choose the paradisiac damsels in heaven himself, and he asked me what he should do, I told him that this lady was obviously an easy catch and that he should make her a woman for pleasure, at home and in her husband's bed, even if this worker is 21 years younger than her, what I asked happened and he came to tell us what he was doing with her, And this situation lasted for months, this lady had become accustomed to adultery and Hussein became for her the favorite and not her husband for his youth and his manhood, there were abnormal positions between them, it could not pass two days without this lady practicing this vice, and here came the time of determination:

- Muslim handyman:
  You are delicious.
- Muslim handyman:
  I can't live without you.
- Muslim handyman:
  There is no young girl who knows how to do what you do.
- Muslim handyman:
  And your husband does not know your value, and with him you do not take your legitimate rights.
- Muslim handyman:
  When the husband does not give his wife her legitimate right, she has the right to divorce.
- Muslim handyman:
  And for you (Christians), there is no divorce.
- Muslim handyman:
  We have only one solution left.
- Muslim handyman:
  So that we can enjoy our love.

And these satanic words found their way into this lady's mind, so in the morning she went to work and I was there accompanied by Mohammed Abdul Zahir, a lawyer, and Sheikh Khalid, a member of one of the Sharia associations, we took Mrs.  “H”  to the Security Directorate, she met a state security official who disapproved the situation and this official tried to dissuade the lady from her decision, but she was intellectually prepared for this interview and any interview with her family members. Her family came to see her, her children, her young accountant son, her daughter and her other daughter tried to talk to her and discuss with her, but she cursed them, saying that you are infidels, unfaithful children and cursed her poor husband who knelt in front of her to come back with him, but her heart was a rock and the procedures were over and her new identity card (demonstrating that her new religion is the Muslim religion) was extracted in less than 24 hours and now it's time to marry her lover. She went in search of her lover but didn't find him, he had raised the rewarding amount of 15,000 pounds in total and went on a trip and got engaged to a Muslim girl close to the family, and finally Mrs.  H”  found him and asked him where are you so that we can get married, but he cursed her and spat in her face telling her: “I'm getting married to you, ya..... Hey, girl..... You are a prostitute, go work in a prostitution house with a salary, but I am a pure Muslim and you are ..”. She herself did not believe that she had sacrificed her husband, her life, her brothers and her children for this man, so how could this be her reward, and why not, the one who sells cheap will be sold cheap, and the one who does not buy cheap will throw what he buys in the trash, this lady tried to contact one of her family members, but she could not find them, the father took his children and disappeared with them to escape the shame that has been inflicted on him all his life, and the children whose heads are now in the mud because of her ran away and all her brothers and sisters refused to meet her. Only two months or a little more have passed, and while crossing the Egyptian agricultural road from Aswan, she was hit by a police car and seriously injured, and the driver was not at fault, she was walking absent-mindedly thinking about her luck, lamenting her luck and remembering her children, despite the passers-by on the street shouting at her to be careful of the danger of the road, but she did not pay attention, and the accident caused her several fractures and fatal injuries and she was taken by ambulance to the public hospital Al-Mabarah, and no one from her family went to visit her, even her brothers refused to visit her, no one visited her except me who made a payment on her treatment account and this amount paid was paid by the imam of a nearby mosque. The poor woman stayed in the hospital for several months, during which she underwent many surgeries, and here she is coming out with a disability in her foot, she will no longer be able to walk as before, there must be a metal crutch so as not to fall to the ground, but where to go and how to live and how to spend. She lost her husband, her family, her sisters and all her relatives and finally lost her job, some good people among the Muslims took her to live in a small apartment in someone's building in the popular neighborhood of Boulaq El-Dakrour in Cairo and an application was filled on her behalf to the Ministry of social affairs and a monthly amount of only 25 egyptian pounds was granted to her, also some donations are given to her from time to time, and her situation remained that way for about two and a half years until I was baptized. And now I am repentant in retrospect, so I decided to go to her, but we need the help of her family and her brothers so that she can return to her family, and here is a serious problem, her children considered that she had died, as well as her brothers, one of whom threatened to kill her if he saw her face, now she needs to return to her family, a priest and a monk father volunteered to convince her sons and her family to see her and talk to her, and I myself planned this time her getaway to the governorate of Qena, where her husband lives with his children far away to escape scandal and shame, claiming that his wife has died, the interview took place at a priest's house, part of what I expected happened and one of her brothers spat in her face and took off his shoes and was going to hit her if the priest and some of those present would not have intervened. I declared in front of everyone that I was the cause of all this misfortune and that I was the one who asked Hussein the worker to trap her and whoever wants to take revenge on her, let him take revenge on me, that I am the one who deserves to be killed and not this lady, her daughters kissed her hands, everyone was moved and we all cried, and the priest who knew Islam well discussed with her the doctrinal issues for which she claimed to have converted to Islam, and she declared that she could not find anything in the Christian faith that calls for blasphemy and does not understand anything about Islam and that she did not even know the Fatha with which the Muslim begins his prayers, she was admitted to a house of consecrators and the priest had several interviews with her in order to confirm the authenticity of her repentance and the sincerity of her desire to return to Jesus as well as the sincerity of her remorse. This was a necessary work was done, all the procedures ended with very great difficulties and terrible complications, and without the glorification of God by many miracles, she would not have been able to return to her family, to her daughters and her son.

May the name of the Lord be glorified.



The girl: M. A. T.

This girl has dealt a severe and painful blow to the Christians of the entire governorate because of the social and cultural status of her family, her father was an important man with a strong and audible reputation among all the Christians of her city and even of her entire governorate, and her mother is undersecretary of one of the ministries and candidate for a higher position in Cairo (head of a sector) and of very ancient origins. This girl was the biggest blow to Christians for her father's situation in particular, she was a student at the university, and what happened with the others I mentioned happened with her and is happening now and will happen later with others. “M” did not complain about anything that interfered with her life, she led a very luxurious lifestyle and had many Christian and non-Christian friends, and she was a devout Christian believer, memorizing many verses and fasting every Christian fast from its beginning. I met her through one of her Muslim friends, and the Muslim friend was aware of my goal to get to know this Christian girl better, and she (muslim girl) accepted out of a desire to support Islam and spread the word that there is no God but Allah (the god of Islam) and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah while aspiring to have carats in paradise. I started the game of love and seduction with her (Christian girl), I played the role of the lover dazzled by her beauty, I pretended to be a secular Muslim who loves everyone and does not hate any religion, I even pretended to be a person with a socialist tendency, and I even tried to deceive her with skeptical questions about the Christian faith, but I found answers that I did not hear from any other girl when we asked her these questions. I made her believe that I was convinced of the answer, I hadn't told her that I was married and that my wife was an ex-Christian converted to Islam, but I told her that I was single and that I was looking for love, we dated every day and her Muslim friend was with us, her name is Amal Ramadan Abdul Alim, this friend played a key role in talking with her (the Christian girl). This relationship lasted eleven months, I wanted this relationship to be pure from my point of view, she was religious and even sang in the choir team and could not easily fall into evil, so I made sure to focus on her affection and we sometimes cried because we could not achieve the marriage. She tried to tell me about the Islamic faith and I deceived her by pretending that I was convinced of her words, the days passed and she couldn't go a day without going out with me, and it happened once I went with her to the Samaan Al-Kharaz monastery in Mokattam for a day, I made reverence while from inside I was spitting on everything, I took out some money and put it in front of her in the alms box and I even accepted the Christian images to convince her that I liked Christianity and told her during this visit that I was beginning to be convinced, but my father is a sheikh as well as my uncles are sheikhs and they can cause us problems, be patient a little until God solves the case. Weeks passed after the visit to the monastery, and she repeated her conversation with me about how much I agreed to convert to Christianity, I explained to her that I was ready but when we go to the West but now we should temporarily break off our relationship and we will not have to see each other again until God wills, and it was a surprise for her, but she refused and this discussion took place between us:-


- Muslim man:
  What can I do, I love you and you love me.
- Christian girl “M”:                           
  You know I can't live without you.
- Muslim man:
  What do you think we can do?
- Muslim man:
  I know how you feel but what we're thinking about is hard to come true now.
- Christian girl “M”:
  And we will stay like this until when?
- Muslim man:
  But if I become a Christian, my parents will be able to cause us problems that we cannot cope with.
- Muslim man:
  We won't have any source of income.
- Christian girl “M”:
  I have jewelry that we can sell.
- Muslim man:
  And once the money runs out, what are we going to do, I can't take your money.
- Christian girl “M”:
  We can find any job and live according to our abilities.
- Muslim man:
  I have an idea, but I know you won't agree.  
- Christian girl “M”:
- Muslim man:
  One way or another, I will convert to Christianity when we go to the West, but I don't know when that will happen.
- Christian girl “M”:
  But for how many more years can we stay like this?  
- Muslim man:
  The only solution is that you temporarily make a sacrifice and I promise you that it will  will be temporary,
there is no other solution than that, we must overcome all the obstacles because the one who brought us together is a religion called Love.

- Christian girl “M”:
  Huh, what did you say?
- Muslim man:
  You heard what I said, and if you don't agree, we can't see each other.
- Christian girl “M”:
  Try to find another solution.
- Muslim man:
  I've been thinking about this for several days and I can't find any other solution except this one.
- Christian girl “M”:
  And what am I going to tell my father and my mother, what are they going to think of me,
how am I going to appear in front of people, my friends, the church, and what will the priest think of me.

- Muslim man:
  The solution is in your hands, choose.
- Christian girl “M”:
  My love, try to find another solution (and she cried).
- Muslim man:
  Believe me, there is no other solution than this, and you know, I'm afraid for your reputation and I'm trying to do for your best.
- Christian girl “M”:
  How am I going to leave the house, and what am I going to tell them?
- Muslim man:
  It's very simple, you will take a small bag and you will tell them that you will visit a convent in ancient Egypt for a few days, and then we will travel together to Egypt and we will live there
until our Lord improves the circumstances and believe me as soon as the circumstances improve,
I will baptize and we will get married.
- Muslim man:
  Now determine your position, either me, or your family and your religion.
- Muslim man:
  But if your choice stops at number 2, then don't look for me anymore.
- Christian girl “M”:   Give me two days to think.
- Muslim man:
  After tomorrow, I'll be waiting for you with your bag at the station at 7 in the morning if you don't come,
so forget about me forever.


Then I pretended to cry and she cried for real, and on the date of the appointment, she was on the dock of the high-speed train station and we headed to Cairo and went to my house, she opened her bag of clothes and oh my God, the Angels will not enter the house and this abomination exists and what I found with her was her Bible. She said that she had sacrificed her Christ, her family and her church only for me and for the victory of our love and that she would pray day and night for God to change my situation and for me to be baptized, while I hid my anger, laughed and mocked her and her naivety. We sat down to have breakfast and went out for a walk, then we started preparing her for the most important stage, which is the stage of meeting the Christian religious and confronting her with her family. Intensive sessions were organized for her with sheikhs and Muslim ladies preachers. Doses of certain nerve medications were brought to me by our pharmacist colleague and we were dissolving them in her food, the effect of these pills was to calm the nerves or to make the person taking them not show resistance but be somewhat obedient, these doses of Islamic drugs and these sessions continued daily for a month. Her parents had upset the world because of their missing daughter and had gone to ask questions about her at the monastery she had told them about, but they could not find her and the nuns said that she had not come, they went to a second and a third monastery in Attaba, and in Domyatt in search of their daughter, they went to the consecrated but no trace of their daughter, they then realized that their daughter had been kidnapped and they informed the police, who refused all their requests except to write a report and inform the detectives to investigate, the police played a role in this game to camouflage and extend the period so that we could prepare the girl for all the sessions of meetings with Christians. Finally, under the pressure of numerous complaints, faxes and calls, the Security Directorate located the girl who was in one of the legitimate associations in Giza and asked to convert to Islam, it was a cruel surprise for all her parents, all her colleagues and all the churchmen who are related to this family, because they knew how much this girl had faith, she was pious, her voice was melodious and how much the girl had values, she went to church every day and memorized some of the prayers by heart and that she planned to go to a monastery in ancient Egypt to pray and be alone in retreat with herself, so how can this happen, no answer. The police stipulated that the interview should take place in one of the state security offices in Giza in the presence of a police secretary whom we knew well and that we were paying him sums because He had a key role in introducing horror into the heart of any girl, he had a bloody face, a huge body, broad shoulders, and he was very good at what he did, so he was present with one of the officers. The session with the girl lasted three hours, and all she could say was: there is no God but God - leave me – it's over-- I love you all very much – don't be angry with me. She spoke while crying very loudly. There were two priests present with her family who were trying to discuss with her her belief in the Islamic religion, but she only spoke a few words and cried very loudly, and every time she had the courage to speak a little more, the police secretary who was present was banging harder on the desk, she looked at him and became more and more terrified. The interview ended in a tragedy for this family and they came out with their heads bowed. In record time, we prepared  “M”'s  (the Christian) papers to become Shaimaa (the Muslim) and gave her her new card by adjusting two boxes (name and religion), and there it was the end of my role, I was not going to marry her at all costs and I received the prize which was the largest amount I received during all my satanic activity, I received 40,000, yes forty thousand Egyptian pounds, then I disappeared. She looked for me a lot and finally when she found me she told me: it's time for us to get married and asked me for the wedding date.

- Christian girl “M”:
 I've done everything you want.
- Muslim man:
  And what is required of me?
- Christian girl “M”:
  We're getting married. I did all this for our love.
- Muslim man:
  What love? You didn't love your religion to know how to love a man.
- Christian girl “M”:
  Yes I loved you and you loved me.
- Muslim man:
  I really loved you, but I can't marry you because, frankly, you're unfaithful.
- Christian girl “M”:
  Me, unfaithful? I left everything for you.
- Muslim man:
  You will leave me for someone else.
- Muslim man:
  Besides, you are unclean.
- Christian girl “M”:
  What does that mean? Why did you make me change my religion? Where are your promises?
- Muslim man:
  Hahahahahaha.... I won a reward, I brought you to the true religion, and for your information,
I am married, my wife was an infidel like you and I enlightened her, you will not be the first or the last infidel.
- Christian girl “M”:
  It's not possible, it's unbelievable what I'm hearing.
- Muslim man:
  And now go work as a maid at the daycare center of the Sharia Association until we find you a groom
who will be able to break your neck.
- Christian girl “M”:
  You can not be the same boy I loved.
- Muslim man:
  What love? Go away.

Shaimaa collapsed and passed out for a long time and she became very depressed, strange symptoms were happening to her, she would wake up from her sleep, panic, scream, cry, she wouldn't stop crying and her tears wouldn't dry up, although we selected a groom for her and we arranged a room for her in her future husband's apartment in the Omraniya area, this groom was a traveling food vendor. Imagine how he treated her, no matter what I write, I won't be able to express the way he treated her, I felt joy every time I saw her crying and humiliated, once she said to me: May God take revenge on you. I spat and laughed and told her: I would like this to happen to the rest of your family too, she stayed married to this seller for a period of 9 months during which there was a pregnancy but she miscarried because of the violent beatings he inflicted on her and finally divorced and became homeless. One of the brothers (a Muslim) took her to work in a hospital in the Al-Ayaatt area, she worked as a housekeeper or in the hospital kitchen and slept in any hidden place, she had no specific shelter and stayed that way until one of the Christian doctors sympathized with her and took her to work for him in his clinic in Domyatt, although he knew the danger because she was a former Christian convert to Islam, but she told him that she had never and would never believe in Islam, nor in his prophet, that she wishes to be a maid who lives and sleeps on the tiled floor of her father's house, the situation continued like this for a few months until I was baptized, I looked for her a lot, I went to the doctor who was an ideal model for a real young Christian who showed the feelings of love and represented his great master and I talked to him, then I met her  (girl “M”)  and I apologized to her, I cried in front of her asking for forgiveness for everything I caused her, so she didn't comment, she burst into tears, I asked her to pray together, me, my wife , the doctor and she. I saw her beautiful smile and then I left promising her that I would go to her family and that I would confess everything to them and it really happened that I went to see them, I saw the joy in their eyes, their eagerness to see her and their sadness for what happened to her. I found true Christian love, no one hurt me, they thanked me, kissed me and I cried in front of all this love. I feel the sadness by all that I have done to this family who truly knows God and knows that God Is Love and that he is a compassionate and merciful God. And what happened is like what happened with others, by the way, it was love, tolerance and tears that overcame all other feelings, she hugged herself in her parents' arms and said the same verse that the prodigal son said and left with them. She now lives in Greater Cairo with one of her brothers and her children.

May the name of the Lord be glorified.



The girl A. S. O. and her cousin E. F. W.

The girls are from the Suez governorate and their studies were at Cairo University in one of the theoretical faculties, they were girls of types offensive to the Christian religion in their recklessness and rebellion, they have always had several relationships, It doesn't matter what kind/ type of young people they (the girls) have these relationships with, and I learned this from one of our colleagues from the Legitimate (Sharia) Association who was a student at the same university, his name is Mohammed Mahmoud Alaa. I learned some names of the young people with whom they (the girls) have relationships, there were young Christians and young Muslims, whom the Koran described as having lost the world and the afterlife, because they were young people who used alcohol and drugs, I went to meet these young Muslims with my colleague and we talked to them in a normal Islamic dialogue and asked them to go to the mosque to pray and read some parts of the Koran and they accepted. Then we attended an Islamic lesson on the reward and the reward of those who support the religion of Allah and support his word, our meeting with the two young Muslim men was repeated, and the prayers and lessons were repeated, we talked about a lesson from a television episode of Sheikh Al-Shaarawi concerning certain Christian dogmas and his criticisms of them, the extent of the decay and degeneration of Christians and how they wreak havoc on the Earth. I learned from young Muslims the details of their relationship with Christian girls and from there the idea came:

- Muslim narrator to the 2 young Muslims:
  Young Muslim people, here is an opportunity for you to atone for your sins.
- The 2 young Muslims:
  God is merciful.
- Muslim narrator to the 2 young Muslims:
  It is necessary to defend the religion of God and to raise up His Word.
- Muslim narrator to the 2 young Muslims:
  Jews and Christians will not be satisfied with you until you follow their religion.
- Muslim narrator to the 2 young Muslims:
  You are the youth of Islam and may Allah bless Islam through you.
- Muslim narrator to the 2 young Muslims:
  And they are motherfuckers, they curse the prophet.
- Muslim narrator to the 2 young Muslims:
  They trample on the Koran in their churches.
- Muslim narrator to the 2 young Muslims:
  If you can make the girls from Suez convert to Islam, you will have a great reward from Allah,
in addition, you will each have a large sum of money, moreover, a carat will be written to each of you in Paradise.

The young people accepted our dialogue with them and were convinced, we had planned for them to get closer in their relationships with these girls, I gave them a sum of money for young Muslim men to spend on Christian girls, this game was based on the principle that war is a hoax. Shortly after, the young men married them, as usual and for this purpose, we rented a furnished apartment for young Muslims, these Christian women are right-wing queens and concubines for fun. This situation lasted a school year and a half, we got bored and we have to get it over with, the young men proposed to the girls the idea of converting to Islam in order to continue marriage, love and sex, and the pleasant surprise was their approval, they did not refuse, discuss or ask, none of the things we have become accustomed to in such situations did not happen. We tried to ask them about things of the Christian faith, but we couldn't find any answers except that they said they don't know anything about Christianity. We didn't need help, we didn't need to hide them in legitimate (Islamic) associations, we didn't need the help of public security or the police, everything was fine. Two of the parents of each girl were called with a priest from the governorate of Suez and a priest from one of the churches of Giza was present, as soon as the girls saw their parents and with them the priests, they organized an Islamic demonstration saying (there is no God but Allah, Christians are the enemies of Allah, there is no God but Allah, that Shenouda [ex-Orthodox pope of Egypt] is the enemy of Allah, and by the spirit with the blood we will save you, O Islam). Attempts by the head of state security to calm down this comic representation failed, and one girl from them attacked the person of Christ and the Virgin Mary with blatant words and people left disappointed.  “A”  became Khadija and  “E”  became Fatma, they wore the niqab, married the two young men, each of whom received an amount of 8,000 Egyptian pounds and I too received my reward. But imagine with me what happened to the two united to Allah Khadija and Fatma, they became the most contemptuous thing you can imagine, their dear husbands considered them as a kind of tourist investment that generates them a large daily income from the pockets of the rich of the Gulf and the two young husbands were taking this money to spend it on their family, one of them married his Muslim girlfriend, he rented an apartment to his wife of Muslim origin from the money coming from the trade by this infidel Muslim. It happened once Fatma and Khadija had an appointment with two young men from the Gulf in one of the buildings in the Agouza district, very soon after their respected husbands had led them to this furnished apartment, the detectives raided the premises and Fatma and Khadija, as well as all the prostitutes and all the young people were arrested, drugs, alcohol and money were seized, a criminal verdict was handed down and the 2 women were transferred to Al-Qanater prison., their treatment was the worst because of the filth of the accusation imputed to them. They served their sentence and during this time they were approached by a Christian woman who worked as a jailer, she learned their story, had no children and considered them her children after they had confessed to her how much they regretted having left Christianity, the decent life and having lost their future, their parents and their eternity. They cried very hard and longed to see the cross hanging from the neck of this lady who was a second mother, they came out of prison without any shelter because the two young Muslim men had divorced them while they were in prison and now they have no shelter, nothing, no hidden place to sleep. They decided to reject the name of Khadija and Fatma and return to their old names, but how and their identity cards are written in Islamic names, now there is no other solution than to work in the house of a famous artist woman to provide a bed and eat leftover food. Subsequently, they left work for another place where they found many believing Christian girls who contained them. I had searched for them a lot in vain, but by pure coincidence and for the sincerity of their repentance, one of these girls was close to my wife, so we had learned where they were, one of the priest fathers found them a place where they stayed in full honor until God was glorified, I went with this priest to the pastor of the city of Suez, and we went to meet the families of the two girls and I took a hot leech that I have never and will never be hit in my life like it was from their fathers and their brothers and without the intervention of the priests I would have died now. The father of one of the 2 girls was eager to see his daughter while his brother, the father of the other girl, at first strongly refused, but one of the priest fathers who attended the appointment convinced him and an appointment was organized inside the house of the priest who welcomed them. There are those who cried, those who hugged, those who kissed, and there are those who cursed, fought and wanted revenge, the feelings calmed down a little later, we gathered to pray and prayed a long prayer, after the prayer, the mother of one of the 2 girls said that she had not prayed and had not entered a church all this time since the day of her daughter's baptism, that is, the time when her daughter was a three-month-old baby, her husband also said the same thing. They had a beautiful and touching day, the families left for their city at the peak of their happiness, the girls stayed in the priest's house, we prayed day and night until God was glorified with the help of the parents who spent very large sums to do all the legal steps sometimes right and sometimes twisted, for them. Finally, after terrible suffering, the personal cards were received with Christian names but not the real names, there was no solution except this way. Now one of them married her cousin and went with him to the Aswan governorate, and the other now lives in Brazil.

May the name of the Lord be glorified.

* * *

Now I work in the vineyard of the Lord, I am confident and I believe that now my name is written in the book of life, how much I really wished not to go out and escape from Egypt but it was an absolute necessity because my father allowed that I be killed and also in order to protect my family in-law, for whom a fatwa was issued to kill them on the grounds that they resorted to black magic and harmful acts which, according to Muslims, led me to abandon the Islamic religion for the religion of these Christian fuckers, my request was granted to be considered worthy of being insulted because of his name. As I was so sad for my age that I spent far from Jesus and resisting him and his children, I have often reproached him for why he has not enlightened my eyes since the beginning of my life but I found a similar story to mine in the book of Acts of the Apostles, Chapter IX, I knew how much he does not want the sinner to die but to come back and live. Some time after my baptism, I attended one of the churches and at that moment Lent had begun, I could feel the warmth and the power of prayer, I remembered when I was always mocking and laughing at Christians during Lent, I said that these bastards were crazy, there was always a word that I kept repeating, these crazy Christians and they speak incomprehensible words while speaking their Coptic language that many of them do not know, even the Christians themselves, some of them do not know this language and prefer the Arabic language, the language of the prophet, and wow, I felt a strange smell on my nose in the air, a sweet smell, even more than sweet, and I composed the sweetness and the beauty of the Coptic melodies, very comforting and beautiful, which have many, many great theological meanings, and to tell the truth, I did not want to escape at all because as I fought the banner of the cross in Egypt, I must now fight under the same banner also in Egypt, but my wife's family refused this out of fear for my life and that of their daughter, so my wife and I decided that we would look for the sheep that strayed because of me and that we would bring them back at all costs. It was very difficult, I drained all my money for my new goal, I also managed to get a number of girls back and we are praying for the rest. The danger increased for me and my wife, which prompted her father to pressure us to get out of Egypt, I was refused an exit visa at the embassy more than once, but my wife took a tourist visa and headed for the bastion of freedom in the United States of America, her trip was a sufficient opportunity to move and serve freely far from any fear for her. During this period of four months I felt the hand of God working in me, my stay in Egypt as an undercover servant was one of the happiest periods of my life my life. My Father, may God forgive him and have mercy on him, had the same goals and was playing in the same evil plan but by the grace of God, there are many who have returned to Jesus, we thank the Lord very much. Please pray with us for all the souls who are still out of the fold, because God wants everyone to be saved and to the knowledge of the truth they return. I have written to you based on the experiences that I have lived and practiced myself, if it were not for God's love for me, I would not write to you now, I do not want you to read to despise them or to read for pleasure or to hate some of your friends but I desire that we learn from our mistakes together. I have described to you some examples of bad friends who present themselves as lambs but from the inside they are Wolves who steal souls, these kinds of friends if they are widespread now and exist, I know there are some of them their friendship is pure and they are loyal on the inside, but there are very few of them. I am also writing so that we pay attention and be careful, many of these methods are used and the Muslim young man often deceives the Christian girl by claiming that he is a Christian and he can even attend church, all these methods are used by what the war is a hoax, by this speech I also want to tell fathers and mothers to be careful and adjust their methods with their children if they need to be adjusted, that each father and mother bring their children closer to the House of God, the Church. I strongly warn that I have not written this to light a fire of anger against some of your friends, nor am I writing to discredit the public, I am afraid that a girl will think that she will have an adventure and that she will become a champion, I know several girls who wish to return to Christ, but now their return has become impossible because there are many obstacles. I only wrote down my personal experiences.

May the Lord keep you unbeatable until the day of his coming.



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