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The persecution of the Christian student NAGY AKRAM by the Muslims in Egypt - Persecution of Christians in Egypt and Islamization by threats

(Events started on: 2023-04-27)

The persecution of the Christian student Nagy Akram by the Muslims in Egypt - Persecution of Christians in Egypt and Islamization by threats.

Nagy Akram is an Egyptian Christian student at the secondary stage, at the Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Military Secondary School for boys in Egypt.

What happened with the Christian student Nagy Akram is similar to what happened with the Christian Abanob Emad, the dentistry student. The Christian Abanob Emad had responded by private messages to the attacks, offenses and blasphemies of a Muslim towards Jesus, the Holy Bible and Christianity, and when Abanob Emad mentioned to the Muslim to focus on his prophet Muhammad who married several women, etc., the Muslim considered it an insult to the prophet of Islam and a blasphemy to Islam, subsequently, large crowds of Muslims leaked the personal information of the Christian Abanob and his family and demanded that Abanob be condemned and even killed yet it is not Abanob the initiator of the problem but rather the Muslim, it is the Muslim who began to blaspheme Jesus, the Holy Bible and Christianity.

Let's return to the story of the Christian Nagy Akram.

On April 27, 2023, Nagy Akram had responded by private messages to blasphemies, attacks and offenses against Jesus, the Holy Bible and Christianity launched by a Muslim colleague named "Razeen" (or "Zolo").

The discussions lasted about three months between the Christian Nagy Akram and his Muslim colleague Razeen, criticisms and blasphemies on the part of the Muslim Razeen towards Christianity and defense of Christianity on the part of the Christian Nagy in response to the criticisms and blasphemies of the Muslim Razeen, sometimes the Christian Nagy Akram responded to the Muslim Razeen in the same way that he attacked Christianity and Nagy the Christian, from time to time, criticized the teachings of Islam exactly as the Muslim Razeen did when he criticized Christianity.

All these discussions took place in private messages between Nagy the Christian and Razeen the Muslim for a period of about three (3) months until the case of the Christian Abanob Emad appeared on the public scene and gained momentum around mid-June 2023.

  • Briefly, Abanoub Emad is a Christian who studies dentistry, he answered in private messaging to a Muslim Abdel-Rahman Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Haddad carried away by the incentives of a Muslim youtuber Muaz Alyan to attack, blaspheme and criticize Christianity. The Muslim Abdel-Rahman Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Haddad insulted and blasphemed Christianity, the Holy Bible and Jesus and the Christian Abanob Emad politely replied to him in private messages defending Christianity and telling him that it was better for him (the Muslim) to focus on his prophet Muhammad who married several women, etc. The Muslim Abdel-Rahman Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Haddad considered this insulting to the prophet of Islam, he began to ask Muslims on social networks to kill Abanob Emad the Christian. The Muslim Abdel-Rahman Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Haddad obtained from a certain source, perhaps from a Muslim policeman, the personal information of Abanob and his entire family, he published it on social networks so that Muslims attack the entire family of the Christian Abanob. In addition, Al-Zagazig University, under the responsibility of the Minister of Education, published on its website the personal information of Abanob and his family as well as incitements to Muslims to kill Abanob, thus putting the life of the Christian Abanob and his family at risk without the Minister of Education intervening to punish the university officials. Moreover, the Egyptian police and the Egyptian national security did not intervene to get their hands on the Muslim culprits who blasphemed the Holy Bible and Jesus, nor to protect the life of Abanob and his Christian family. Probably Abanob could not show up for his exams because his life is in danger, he probably missed his exams and a school year is lost. Moreover, what is certain is that Abanob will no longer be able to continue his studies in Egypt, his return to Al-Zagazig University is not only impossible but also the fact of attending any other university in Egypt is almost impossible because his life will be in danger and the Muslims will kill him wherever he goes.

-  Muslims encouraged by the fact that no Muslim is arrested or convicted for blaspheming Christianity, the Holy Bible and Jesus;

-  muslims encouraged by the fact that whatever a Muslim does to a Christian, he (the muslim) is never finally imprisoned or sentenced, and

-  that the law relating to blasphemy of religion applies to Christians only, and;

-  following the facts that no Muslim in the case of the Christian Abanob Emad was arrested or convicted,

then the Muslims decided to do the same with the Christian Nagy Akram.

A Muslim named "Eslam M. Eltaloney" was friends with the Muslim "Razeen" to whom the Christian Nagy Akram had replied in private messages to his insults and blasphemies towards Christianity, Eslam convinced Razeen to publish Nagy Akram's private messages in public and to incite the Muslims to kill him, exactly as the Muslims did in the case of the Christian Abanob Emad and this, for the victory of Islam and to take revenge and defend the prophet and Islam.

The Muslim "Eslam M. Eltaloney" took care of publicizing Nagy's answers and messages that he wrote privately to the Muslim "Razeen" and incited Muslims on social networks against Christians and against the young Christian Nagy Akram and to kill him because Islam requires Muslims to kill anyone who says bad things about the Prophet Muhammad.

Moreover, exactly as it happened with the Christian Emad Abanob, the same thing happened again with the Christian Nagy Akram and on June 24, 2023, the Muslims disseminated his personal information as well as the time and place of his exam the next day so that the Muslims could spot him on the way to school and kill him.

The worst thing is that the director of the Omar Ibn Al-Khattab military secondary school for boys, Mr. Abdel Monem Azmy, director of the school attended by the Christian student Nagy Akram, incited Muslims on his Facebook page against the Christian student Nagy Akram. Mr. Abdel Monem Azmy, the director of the school, has published /authorized to publish on his Facebook page the personal information of the Christian Nagy Akram as well as the time and place of his exam the next day so that Muslims can spot him and kill him. All this happened at least a week or more ago and the Egyptian Minister of Education (Mr. Reda Hegazy) is still deaf-mute, no sanctions or disciplinary or administrative measures have been taken against this terrorist director of the school, which school is under the responsibility of the Egyptian Minister of Education Mr. Reda Hegazy.

What is even more shameful for Egypt is that, in addition to the terrorist and irresponsible attitude of the Egyptian Minister of Education (Mr. Reda Hegazy) who has not imposed any disciplinary or administrative measures against university and school institutions and their terrorist directors, it is that Mr. Abdel Monem Azmy, the terrorist director of the school attended by the Christian Nagy Akram, indicated on his Facebook page that he had informed the Egyptian National Security so that the Egyptian National Security could initiate the necessary legal proceedings against the Christian Nagy Akram.

It is very shameful on the part of Egypt that the Egyptian National Security, instead of protecting the Christian Nagy Akram who is not at fault but a victim and instead of providing him with the necessary protection so that he can go to school and pass his exam, the Egyptian National Security has become an accomplice of the Muslim terrorists who exercise their terrorism on Christians and more particularly on the Christian Nagy Akram.

The Christian Nagy Akram could not show for his exams because his life is in danger, he missed his exams and his school year is lost. In addition, it is very likely that the Christian Nagy Akram will no longer be able to continue his studies in Egypt, because it will be almost impossible to attend another school or university in Egypt because his life will be in danger and Muslims will kill him wherever he goes.

  • Why is the Egyptian state silent about what is happening on the part of Muslims and their contempt for the Christian religion, Jesus and the Bible?
  • Why has the Egyptian state not punished Muslims who are the initiators and who have publicly despised Christianity, is it not this Egyptian president Al-Sisi and this Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh Al-Azhar (the Islamic institution) who lie to the West and tell the Western world that Islam and Egypt respect the freedom of belief of all other non-Muslims?
  • Why does the Egyptian state keep silent about all the Muslims who violate the personal life of Christians?
  • Why is the Egyptian state keeping silent about the exposure of Nagy's life to danger?

It turned out that Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh Al-Azhar (Islamic institution) only raises his voice when he wants the world to respect terrorist Islam, certainly Islam is terrorist otherwise how do you classify what is happening with Nagy Akram and Christians not only in Egypt but throughout the world? The Islamic persecution of Christians in all countries of the world, including in Western countries that have opened their doors to Muslims, demonstrates the high level of terrorist Islam.

This Islamic terrorism is repeated in Egypt and this is not the first incident, a few months ago there was a similar incident when Muslims did the same thing with another young Egyptian Christian studying human medicine, Mr. Mina, who was then forced to leave his university because of threats from Muslims. Just recently, the same thing happened with the Christian Abanob Emad studying dentistry and now the same thing is also happening with the Christian Nagy Akram. Whenever such an incident occurs, the Christian finds himself forced to leave his school or university and no longer has a future since he can no longer continue his studies in Egypt despite the fact that he is the victim.

It is obvious that this is one of the means and tactics used by Muslims to Islamize Christians through coercion and threat.

In the coming days, will Muslims take legal action against the Christian Nagy Akram as they usually do towards Christians? Will the Christian Nagy Akram be imprisoned despite being the victim? This is what we will be following in the coming days.

We will continue to pursue events until we know what will happen to Nagy Akram and his Christian family.

NAGY AKRAM (Christian man)

Mr. Abdel Monem Azmy 

(Director of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Military Secondary School for boys)

Razeen ("Zolo")

 (Muslim man)

No photo available

Eslam M. Eltaloney

(Muslim man)

One of the Messages published on the Facebook page of Mr. Abdel Moneim Azmy, Muslim director of the school attended by the Christian Nagy Akram demonstrating the details of Nagy's exam the next day and inciting to kill him according to the Kuran.

On the Facebook page of Mr. Abdel Moneim Azmy, Muslim director of the school attended by the Christian Nagy Akram. Mr. Abdel Moneim Azmay, director of the school is confirming to a muslim person that he had informed the Egyptian National Security about the Christian Nagy Akram so that the Egyptian National Security could initiate the necessary legal proceedings against the Christian Nagy Akram.

Mr. Reda Hegazy

(Minister of Education & Technical Education - Egypt)

رضا حجازي.jpg


Egyptian National Security



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The persecution of the Christian student ABANOB EMAD by the Muslims in Egypt - Persecution of Christians in Egypt and Islamization by threats

(Events started on the week of : 2023-06-12)

The persecution of the Christian student Abanob Emad by the Muslims in Egypt - Persecution of Christians in Egypt and Islamization by threats.

Abanob Emad is an Egyptian Christian student in the third year of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Zagazig in Egypt.

During the week of June 12, 2023, the Christian Abanob Emad politely and respectfully responded to a Muslim named Muaz Alyan, who, a few days earlier, had ridiculed the Bible, the Song of Songs and Jesus in one of his videos.

The Muslim Muaz Alyan, whose goal is to ridicule Christianity, continued to provoke the young Christian Abanob Emad and ridicule and mock Christianity, the Bible and Jesus, which prompted the Christian Abanob to respond to the muslim Muaz Alyan towards the Bible and especially the song of songs.

The Muslim Muaz Alyan began to incite Muslims on social networks against Christians and against the young Christian Abanob.

After that, Muslims began logging on to the Christian Abanoub Emad's Facebook page and attacking him in his private message box, directing accusations and insults at the Bible and Jesus.

In response to the insults and accusations of the Muslim "Abdul Rahman Awad Ibrahim Al-Haddad" in Abnob's private mailbox, Abnob replied to the Muslim "Abdul Rahman Al-Haddad" on private messaging with words such as focus on your Prophet Muhammad, who married many women, waged wars and conquests, etc.

The Muslim "Abdelrahman (or Abdulrahman) Awad Ebrahim Elhadad" did not like the so-called reality of the mouth of the Christian Abanob concerning the prophet Muhammad and considered that Abanob Emad speaks bad about the prophet of Islam. Abdelrahman (the Muslim) then decided to broadcast in public the answers of Abanob that he wrote privately and incited Muslims on social networks against Christians and against the young Christian Abanob and to kill him because Islam requires Muslims to kill anyone who speaks bad about the Prophet Muhammad.

Even if what the Christian Abanob Emad said is the reality of the prophet Muhammad, the Muslims considered that the words of Abanob are insulting to the prophet of Islam Muhammad, and because the Muslims know very well that the words of Abanob are the truth and that they have no answer to this reality concerning their prophet, they plead their terrorism on all the media by inciting all Muslims to kill Abanob and reach him before the police reach him. And as Muslims did during the events in reaction to the cartoons of the newspaper Charlie Hebdo drawing their prophet Muhammad, Muslims reacted in the same way towards the Christian Abanob Emad and towards Christians, and on all social networks, the crowds of Muslims encouraged to kill the Christian Abanob Emad in accordance with the teachings of their Koran and Islamic law which require to kill all those who insult Muhammad, the messenger of Islam. In addition, Muslims have flooded social media with insults and hatred towards Christians, without any measures being taken by the Egyptian state to put an end to this attack, this hatred, this injustice and this contempt against Christianity and Christians.

The Muslim "Abdel Rahman Awad Ibrahim El-Haddad" not only incited on social networking sites to kill the Christian Abanob Emad, but also leaked on social networking sites the personal data of Abanob Emad and his family's data, and the Muslim "Abdel Rahman Awad Ibrahim El-Haddad" obtained these personal data for Abanob and his family either from the telecommunications company he works for (Etisalat /Etisalat ) or it was provided to him by one of the Egyptian national security officers, who supports Islam and gave Abanob's personal data and his family's data to the Muslim "Abdel Rahman Awad Ibrahim El-Haddad" in order to serve Islam and to intimidate and terrorize Christian Abanob and his Christian family.

Thenafter, Muslims not only publicly disclosed all Abanob's personal data, his national number, his address, but they also disclosed the names of his family members, their phones and emails in order to scare them.

What is even more surprising is that Muslims have spread their terrorism through the website of the University of Zagazig, a university under the administration of the Egyptian state, through this website, Muslims have begun to demand that Abanob Emad be killed, and through this website, the Muslims leaked his personal information and all this under the eyes of the university officials who did not take any disciplinary measures to punish these Muslim terrorists and did not even express their indignation at the use of the Zagazig University website to spread terrorism.

On Friday, June 16, 2023, a group of Muslims in Egypt began the 1st stage to execute the Christian Abanob and they severely beat Abanob, killing him or almost.

According to the latest news, after the Christian Abanob was beaten by Muslims on Friday, June 16, 2023, the Egyptian police arrested the Christian Abanob and was put in prison, as for the Muslim Moaz Alyan who caused the problem, as well as the Muslims who incited the murder of Abanob and cursed Christians and Christianity, the Egyptian authorities did not approach them.

On Sunday, June 18, 2023, Mr. Messbah Mohamed AlKorba, a Muslim lawyer, apparently part of the Muslim Brotherhood, filed a lawsuit against the Christian Abanob Emad for his response to the Muslim AbdelRahman Al-Haddad following the insults of this Muslim to the Bible and Jesus. The Muslim lawyer Messbah Muhammad AlKurba accused the Christian Abanob Emad of contempt for the Islamic religion, ignoring that the response of the Christian Abanob Emad is a reaction and response to the insults of the Muslim AbdulRahman who started insulting the song of songs and Christianity, moreover, the Muslim lawyer ignored the fact that the Christian Abanob's answers were on private and that it was the Muslim "AbdulRahman Awad Ibrahim Al-Haddad" who decided to make them public.

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Here are some excerpts from what the Muslim lawyer Mr. Messbah Mohamed AlKorba wrote in his legal proceedings against Abanob Emad, to demonstrate to you that the purpose of this Muslim lawyer is to serve Islam and not to do justice, this Muslim lawyer condemns the Christian Abanob Emad who is a victim of Muslims without bringing charges against the guilty because they are Muslims. Notice how this Muslim lawyer speaks on behalf of all Egyptians as if they were all Muslims who defend the one and only religion in Egypt while totally ignoring the existence of Christianity and Christians, their rights to defend their belief, their right to have justice, he speaks on behalf of all Christians in Egypt as if they were defending Islam to the detriment of Christianity and Christians that this Muslim lawyer considers non-existent in Egypt. Moreover, notice the style of writing with which this procedure is drafted, one might have thought that this Muslim lawyer works for the Islamic Daawa and not as a lawyer, knowing that the judicial system in Egypt has been Islamized for some time and that lawyers and judges in Egypt are now at the service of Islam and not at the service of the law, this Muslim lawyer sends a hidden message to the judge who will be in charge of the trial to ask him, indirectly, to inflict the most severe punishment on Abanob Emad the Christian only because he is a Christian and not a Muslim.

“I am submitting this complaint in the hands of your excellencies, as it is important for us, for every Muslim and for every Egyptian, since the complainant has attacked the Prophet's side.

I am submitting to you this complaint, accompanied by documents confirming the assault committed by the accused against the messenger of Allah (...). It is a pity for my tongue and my heart will not obey me to recount it in the complaint (…).

Mr. Attorney General, such a blatant attack is against (...) the Messenger of Allah is an attack on every Muslim, an attack on all those who are really satisfied with the religion of Islam and follow it by choice, an attack on a whole people whose predominant religion of the people is Islam, an attack on a homeland which stipulated in its constitution to consider Islam as its official religion.

And because the complainant against him, through the use of social networking sites, addressed insulting and slanderous phrases to the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (...), and for the entire nation of Islam, which constitutes the following crimes:

First: the crime of contempt of religions, which is affected by Article 98 (F) of the Penal Code no. for the year 1937:

Article 98 (F)

- "Anyone who uses religion to promote extremist ideas by word, writing or by any other means with the intention of provoking sedition, disparaging or disrespecting one of the monotheistic religions or sects belonging to it, or harming national unity, shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not less than six months and not exceeding five years, or by a fine not exceeding five hundred pounds, or not exceeding one thousand pounds."

Second: the crime of attacking the values and principles in the Egyptian society, which is affected by Article 25 of the Anti-Cybercrime Law No. for a year 2018 :

- "Crimes related to the violation of privacy and illegal information content

“Shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not less than six months, and a fine not less than fifty thousand pounds and not exceeding one hundred thousand pounds, or one of these two penalties, anyone who violated any of the principles or family values in Egyptian society, or violated the privacy of private life or sent massively many e-mails to a specific person without his consent, or photos and the like, violated the privacy of any person without his consent, whether the information published is true or incorrect."

In the light of the foregoing, these criminal incidents being intentional, it has been established that they are serious crimes and that they affect the security, safety, stability and tranquility of Egyptian society as a whole.

Since Article 25 of the Code of Criminal Procedure stipulates that "for anyone who has knowledge of the occurrence of a crime, the public prosecutor's office may file a complaint about it in his favor without complaint or request to inform the public prosecutor's office or one of the bailiffs."

I am submitting this communication to you, asking you to open an urgent judicial investigation into this incident and take all necessary legal measures to arrest the accused and transfer him to criminal trial promptly to punish him for his crimes.”

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  • Who disclosed the personal data of the young Christian Abanob Emad and his Christian family (his mother, his sister, and even his maternal aunt and his paternal aunt)?

                    - Is it the state security in Egypt? or,

                    - Is it a person holding a high-ranking position in the Egyptian Ministry of the Interior? Or,

                    - Is it one of the people in charge of the university such:

                                                - The President of the University of Zagazig: Mr. Khaled Ali Al-Dirandli, or

                                        - The vice-president of the university in charge of education and student affairs: Mr. Atef Mohammed Hussein,                                                or   

                                          - The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Oral Surgery: Mr. Walid Ahmed Abdullah.

  • And why is the Egyptian state silent about what is happening on the part of Muslims and their contempt for the Christian religion, Jesus and the Bible?
  • Why has the Egyptian state not punished the Muslim Muaz Alyan, who is the initiator and has publicly despised Christianity, is it not this Egyptian president Al-Sisi and this Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh Al-Azhar (the Islamic institution) who lie to the West and tell the Western world that Islam and Egypt respect the freedom of belief of all other non-Muslims?
  • Why does the Egyptian state keep silent about all the Muslims who violated the personal life of Abanob and his family?
  • Why is the Egyptian state keeping silent about the exposure of Abanob's life to danger?

It turned out that Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh Al-Azhar (Islamic institution) only raises his voice when he wants the world to respect terrorist Islam, certainly Islam is terrorist otherwise how do you classify what is happening with Abanob Emad and Christians not only in Egypt but throughout the world? The Islamic persecution of Christians in all countries of the world, including in Western countries that have opened their doors to Muslims, demonstrates the high level of terrorist Islam.

This Islamic terrorism is repeated in Egypt and this is not the first incident, a few months ago there was a similar incident when Muslims did the same thing with another young Egyptian Christian studying human medicine, Mr. Mina, who was then forced to leave his university because of threats from Muslims.

It is obvious that this is one of the means and tactics used by Muslims to Islamize Christians through coercion and threat.

We will continue to pursue events until we know what will happen to Abanob Emad and his Christian family.

ABANOB EMAND (Christian man)

Muaz Alyan (Muslim man)

Post published on the website of the University of Zagazig inciting to kill the Christian Abanob Emad

Post published on Social Media  inciting to kill the Christian Abanob Emad

One of the Posts published on Social Media  inciting to kill the Christian Abanob Emad according to Kuran

One of the Posts published on Social Media  inciting to kill the Christian Abanob Emad according to Kuran


One of the posts on social media in which           Muslims confirm that they hit the Christian Abanob Emad

One of the posts on social media in which one of the Muslims indicates that with a few more threats and little pressure on the         Christian Abanob Emad,     he will be converted to Islam


Legal procedure filed by the muslim lawyer Mr. Messbah Mohamed Al Korba against the Christian Abanob Emad

Page 1:

Page 2:

Communication company for which "Abdel Rahman Awad Ibrahim El-Haddad" works and from which Abdel Rahman El-Haddad published the personal information of the Christian Abanob Emad and his family

Muslims who condemn

"Abdel Rahman Awad Ibrahim El-Haddad"

to be the initiator who mocked the Bible, the Song of Songs and Jesus

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Hypocrisy of Muslims who rebelled against Charlie Hebdo for cartoons about the prophet while they themselves make cartoons mocking Jesus

Examples of outrages of Muslims for the Christian religion and insults towards Christians in the East and in the West. The law on the contempt of religions in Egypt applies in one direction only and punishes only Christians but not Muslims who despise Christianity.

Hoping that the countries of the West understand the duality of the values of Islam and Muslims who demand that the world respect their religion while they do not respect other religions.

Abdulrahman Awad IV

Examples of outrages of Muslims for the Christian religion and insults towards Christians in the East and in the West. The law on the contempt of religions in Egypt applies in one direction only and punishes only Christians but not Muslims who despise Christianity.

Hoping that the countries of the West understand the duality of the values of Islam and Muslims who demand that the world respect their religion while they do not respect other religions.

Diaa Ahmed

Examples of outrages of Muslims for the Christian religion and insults towards Christians in the East and in the West. The law on the contempt of religions in Egypt applies in one direction only and punishes only Christians but not Muslims who despise Christianity.

Hoping that the countries of the West understand the duality of the values of Islam and Muslims who demand that the world respect their religion while they do not respect other religions.

Muaz Alyan :

Mr. Muaz Alyan said that John loved Jesus' breasts, that's why he was hugged by Jesus

Mr. Muaz Alyan describes the Holy Spirit as a disco and that Christians dance and get drunk in church.

Marco Guirguis Salib Shehata, an Egyptian Christian unjustly sentenced in 2021 to 5 years in prison for insulting Islam while the discussion was in private
-- VS--
Sheikh Mabrouk Ateya, a Muslim who challenges his conviction to pay 1000 Egyptian Pounds for insulting Jesus in PUBLIC.

Will Abanob Emad the Christian also be sentenced to 5 years in prison like Marco Guirguis because he is a Christian and his defense against attacks on Christianity was in private

The Christian :

Marco Guirguis Salib Shehata

- VS -

The muslim :

Cheikh Mabrok Ateya


Please be back !


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