Christian woman kidnapped in Egypt for Islamization purposes


The case of the kidnapping of Monica Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna by Muslims and her forced conversion to Islam is a striking example of:

  • The corruption of Islam,
  • The corruption of the Egyptian state.


The story of the abduction of a Christian woman Monica Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna by Muslims in Egypt and her forced conversion to Islam.

In Egypt: Monica Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna is an Egyptian Christian girl who has been kidnapped by Muslims in Egypt since January 13, 2024, for the purpose of Islamization by force.

Monica Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna is from : Said Pasha St., Al-Sabah village, Qalyub al-Balad, Qalyubia governorate, Egypt.

Age: 23 years-old - (date of birth September 25, 2000)

Monica Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna is a student at the Faculty of law, Ain Shams University, Cairo.

Monica Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna is being treated for severe depression.

Events :

On Monday January 15. 2024 : Monica's father, Mr. Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna, made a report bearing the number  635 / 2024 Administrative, at the Qalyub police station of the Qalyubiya Security Directorate, and that 48 hours after the abduction of his daughter, Monica,  who did not return to her home located in the village of Al-Sabah, Manzil Youssef, Qalyub al-Balad Center, Qalyubiya governorate, Egypt.

Monica's father accused a young Muslim named Abdallah Khaled Yassin (23 years old), a student at one of the private engineering faculties, and a neighbor of Monica who took advantage of Monica's illness with depression and her bad mental state while she was under treatment, and began to approach her to lure and seduce her.

The deception of the Egyptian police and national security of Mr. Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna, 

The father of the kidnapped Christian girl Monica

On the afternoon of Saturday, January 20, 2024 : Priest Armeya (Jeremiah) Adly, Vicar of the Shubra Al-Khaimah Eparchy, and priest of the Church of the Great Martyr MarGerges, Shubra al-Balad, Qalyub Al-Balad, Mohammed Ali Montaza (Park) Street, behind the Faculty of Agriculture, (affiliated with priest Mark, priest of the Shubra Al-Khaimah area and its dependencies, Qalyubiya governorate), called Monica's father, Mr. Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna, and priest Armeya (Jeremiah) asked him to immediately go to the second department Nasr City, Cairo, to receive his daughter Monica, present with the detective officer. Priest Armeya (Jeremiah) Adly assured Monica's father not to take a lawyer or a priest with him and to go alone to pick up his daughter and quietly return home.

Immediately, on January 20, 2024, at four o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna went to the national security to bring Monica, entered the Office of the detective inspector and met Major Omar Al-Guindi who wrote a report and Monica's father deluded that the report was a report to get Monica his daughter back and that all he had to do was sign this report to be able to take his daughter and go home.

The report was handwritten and the handwriting was so poor that it was difficult for anyone to read it, and all the people who later tried to read the report failed to read it.

With the insistence of Major Omar Al-Guindi that Monica's father sign the report, Monica's father was forced to sign, trusting in the words of Major Omar Al-Guindi, who assured Monica's father that it was just a report to confirm the receipt of his daughter Monica. Monica's father did not know that the report he signed was not a receipt report, but on the contrary, it was a report for non-exposure to his daughter Monica. (The administrative record of not non-exposure to Monica is bearing the number 337 / 2024, the second section of Nasr City.)

After Monica's father signed the report, Major Omar Al-Guindi asked him to go upstairs to the Office of one of the officials in the national security sector of the department to pick up his daughter, and indeed Monica's father was taken to the Office of a Major named Luaay (and this is often not his real name), Monica's father entered the office to find his daughter Monica sitting next to the Office of Major Luaay, who asked Mr. Waguih, Monica's father, to go downstairs again to the Office of Detective Inspector Major Omar Al-Guindi, because he would be transferred to the prosecution, Monica's father did not know that he had signed the report of non-exposure to his daughter Monica.

On the orders of Major Luaay (this is not his real name), Mr. Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna, Monica's father, came downstairs to the Office of the inspector of the head of detectives, and the administrative report no. 337/2024 of non-exposure to Monica, which had been signed by Monica's father a few minutes ago without knowing its true content, was certified in the case book.

After that, Mr. Waguih Youssef was arrested and transferred to the public prosecution in Nasr City.

Some relatives of Monica, witnessed Monica entering through the back gate of the public prosecution staff.

When Mr. Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna, Monica's father, entered the Office of the deputy attorney general, the Deputy Attorney General asked him to sign in front of him a protocol of non-exposure to his daughter Monica so as not to fall under the law. Monica's father, Mr. Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna, was forced to sign the report against his will, without opening his mouth, and was released from the prosecution's custody in a daze about what happened to him.

Of course, we do not need to say that the police, the judicial system and all institutions in Egypt are complicit and involved in the kidnapping and Islamization of Christians in Egypt, and therefore implement the Islamization plan adopted and implemented by the Egyptian state since the Seventies with funding from many Islamic countries and with the help of Al-Azhar (the pioneer of Islam in Egypt). This explains why the police, the national security, the prosecutor general's office and even the entire judiciary are involved in falsifying official documents and papers in Egypt because the ultimate goal is to serve Islam.

When it comes to the Islamization of Christians, even if by kidnapping or by any other dirty way, all Egyptian institutions cooperate to serve Islam, starting from Al-Azhar to the police, national security, judiciary, all ministries and state institutions in Egypt, no matter what they can do to serve Islam even if it is contrary to the laws.

A copy of the administrative report of not being exposed to Monica and bearing the number 337/ 2024 of the second section of Nasr City.





How Muslims converted Christian girl Monica Youssef Shafiq Hanna to Islam ?

The young Muslim Abdallah Khaled Yassin (23 years old), the kidnapper of the Christian girl Monica Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna, resorted to his cousin named Doaa Mounir Yassin, known as "Dowa" (25 years old), a graduate of Benha Law Faculty, to lure the Christian girl Monica to attract her to Islam, and Doaa began inviting Monica to her house under the pretext of helping her with the subjects scheduled for her at the law school, and then began to introduce her to some Islamic advocacy committees to question her Christian faith. It is said that the person in charge of this committee is a dean in the national security sector of the Egyptian Ministry of interior, a specialist in the Coptic (Christian) file, who was communicating with Monica through a fake Facebook account under the name of a priest (fake, of course) and this is what Monica was saying at first to some of those around her, and then stopped talking later.

Hence, the Christian girl Monica Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna was kidnapped and converted to islam in a roundabout way with the complicity and participation of the Egyptian security.

Despite the appeals of the family of the Christian girl Monica Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna, addressed to many authorities in the Egyptian state, and despite the involvement of the national security and the public prosecution in the abduction and Islamization of Monica, and their falsification of records, the Egyptian state did not respond to the distress of Monica's family despite the lapse of about two (2) months since the date of the abduction of Monica Waguih Youssef Shafik Hanna. Of course no official from the national security sector and the public prosecution involves in the case was punished.



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