Christian woman kidnapped in Egypt for Islamization purposes

Marina Samir William was returned to her family : Wednesday, December 13, 2023


The case of the kidnapping of Marina Samir William by Muslims and her forced conversion to Islam is a striking example of:

  • The corruption of Islam,
  • The corruption of the Egyptian state.
  • The corruption of Egyptian judges, lawyers and institutions.

  1. Marina was kidnapped on December 6, 2022, her husband left the house that day around 11:00, then she came out after him most likely around 14:00 or maybe a little later, and what a surprise!!! Here, on the same day, a certificate of Islamization of Al-Azhar (the Islamic institution) is produced on Marina's name.
  2. When and how did Marina manage to get to Al-Azhar (an Islamic institution) and get a certificate of Islamization issued on her name in a few hours? Remember: Marina does not know how to travel inside Cairo, she arrived to Cairo only 19 days before her abduction and has never visited Cairo before.
  3. Marina's Islamization certificate shows that it is issued by Al-Azhar and if Marina's Islamization certificate is fake, why didn't Al-Azhar oppose it, especially since Marina's Islamization certificate appeared on all social networks?
  4. Will the Egyptian State and the Bar Association hold the three lawyers (Mr. Haitham Saber, Mr. Bakr El-Sayed and Ms. Mona Saad El-Din) responsible for opening legal proceedings on behalf of Marina after her abduction, when they were aware of her abduction?
  5. Will the judges who ruled on the cases filed after Marina's abduction and disappearance be prosecuted because they ruled, tried and prosecuted despite their knowledge that Marina has been abducted since December 6, 2022 and that all the proxies and legal procedures established during and after her disappearance were illegal?
  6. And above all: will the Muslim kidnappers be tried knowing that they are known to the police as the kidnappers of Marina Samir William and that no one has been convicted until July 2023, seven (7) months after the kidnapping of Marina Samir William?
  7. Will the Egyptian police be prosecuted for negligence and collusion with Muslim kidnappers to serve Islam?
  8. And will the Egyptian state return Marina, the Christian woman, to her family, knowing that the Egyptian state knows very well who the Muslim kidnappers are and who the great personalities behind them are?

A warning to all foreign countries:

1- Beware of buying Egyptian Pharaonic monuments and statues from those who sell them to you and who have stolen them or have undertaken illegal archaeological excavations. The large sums of money you pay them are used to kidnap Christian girls and women in Egypt and convert them to Islam by force, threat, rape, intimidation or by any other way.

2- Beware of buying pharaonic monuments and statues from those who sell them to you and who have stolen them or have undertaken illegal archaeological excavations, these monuments are stolen in Egypt and if UNESCO intervenes to return them to Egypt, you will lose the millions of dollars you paid, as well as all the Pharaonic monuments and statues you bought from them, and the end result will be that you will lose a lot of money without getting artifacts.

3- To find out how corrupt some Egyptian state institutions are (police, ministry of Interior, Justice, civil registry offices), as well as the corruption of some lawyers, read this topic about the kidnapping of Christian woman Marina Samir William by Muslims in Egypt and her forced conversion to Islam, with the complete silence of the Egyptian Islamic State and its officials working side by side with Muslim kidnappers to forcibly Islamize Christians in Egypt.

If any trouble happens to you in Egypt, do not expect that the Egyptian state and its security and judicial authorities will guarantee your protection and rights.

4- For those who do not know Islam well and who are deceived into believing that Islam is a religion of love and peace and that it is a religion that respects others and respects beliefs, read these facts that happened with the Egyptian Christian Marina Samir William, who was kidnapped by Muslims in Egypt and forcibly converted to Islam. Muslims have not only kidnapped Marina Samir William and forcibly converted her to Islam, they have threatened her family and tried to kill her brother twice so far, however, all this has been met with complete silence from the Egyptian state and its officials.


The story of the abduction of a Christian woman Marina Samir William by Muslims in Egypt and her forced conversion to Islam.

  • Marina Samir William is a young Egyptian Christian woman, married, 24 years old.

Marina is kidnapped by Muslims in Egypt on December 6, 2022 and subsequently, the Muslim kidnappers forcibly Islamized her.

Marina's brother is: Mr. "Sameh" Samir William.

Marina's husband is: Mr. "Sameh" Halim Fam Guindi (Marina has been married since September 13, 2020).

Marina is originally from the Qena governorate where she lived for a long time, but in recent years, she went to Hurghada (Egypt) to join her husband who worked there for a while, then they moved to Cairo shortly before Marina's kidnapping.

Marina was kidnapped (on 2022-12-06) in Cairo 19 days after her arrival to Cairo where she joined her husband who had recently moved to Cairo to work.


2022-12-06: Marina Samir William was kidnapped on December 6, 2022, in Cairo (Egypt).

A year before the kidnapping of Marina Samir, certain foreshadowing events gave indications about the possibility that Marina would be exposed to a harsh ordeal.

Part 1:

Marina works as a hairdresser.

When Marina was in Qena, she worked for a hairdressing salon rented by a Christian relative, Mrs. Irene.

  • The main accused in the kidnapping and Islamization of Marina by force is: Mr. Hammam Hassan Attalah Hussein

Mrs. Irene, the tenant of the hairdressing salon in Qena, where Marina worked as a hairdresser, had rented the hairdressing salon from a Muslim owner named: Mr. Hammam Hassan Attalah Hussein.

  • Mr. Hammam is a new rich, he was poor and first worked as a bicycle repairman.
  • Since 2013, that is, when the Muslim Brotherhood ruled Egypt, Mr. Hammam began to have a large fortune by carrying out illegal archaeological excavations to search for Pharaonic monuments and statues and sell them illegally. Mr. Hammam is therefore a thief of the monuments and antiquities of Egypt.
  • Also, Mr. Hammam works discreetly as an arms salesman and secretly owns artillery and weapons warehouses.
  • In addition, besides all these illegal activities, Mr. Hammam works as a drug seller / dealer in Egypt.
  • In recent years, Mr. Hammam Hassan Attalah Hussein, having made a large fortune illegally, has become the owner of several properties including several hairdressing salons which he rented to Christians.
  • The hairdressing salons that Mr. Hammam owns and that he rents to Christians serve as camouflage to hide the secret warehouses of artillery and weapons that he owns and which are discreetly attached to the hairdressing salons that he owns. When Mr. Hammam rents the hairdressing salons to the Christians, he does not mention to them the existence of secret warehouses of artillery and weapons secretly attached to the hairdressing salons. Thus, in the event that a legal problem occurs, the tenant of the hairdressing salon will be the only one responsible before the law despite the fact that the tenant himself/herself is totally unaware of the existence of such warehouses discreetly attached to the hairdressing salons owned by Mr. Hammam and that the latter uses the rented hairdressing salons as a facade to conceal his illegal activities.

Marina, as a hairdresser, worked for about four (4) months at the hairdressing salon that Mrs. Irene (the Christian) rented from Mr. Hammam (the Muslim owner) at Qena.

There was a Muslim girl who worked there at the hairdressing salon and it was Mr. Hammam the owner of the hairdressing salon who had imposed this Muslim girl on Mrs. Irene the Christian tenant. Mr. Hammam demanded that this Muslim girl who works for him be present on the premises of the hairdressing salon during the entire rental period and it was Mr. Hammam who paid the salary of this Muslim girl.

One day, while Marina was working at the hairdressing salon, she saw this Muslim girl holding a big gun in her hand. Marina asked her about this weapon that was in her hands and if there was an armory or a weapons warehouse somewhere in the hairdressing salon rented by her relative, Mrs. Irene, who is legally responsible for all the activities that take place inside the hairdressing salon.

The Muslim girl answered Marina by telling her no, it's not a weapon, it's a pistol-shaped lighter, that it's just a toy and that it belongs to Mr. Hammam.

Marina replied to the Muslim girl by mentioning that Mr. Hammam does not smoke, so why is he holding such a big gun-shaped lighter?

Marina having witnessed this event, she informed Mrs. Irene the tenant of the hairdressing salon, of her suspicions towards Mr. Hammam in order to warn her, and told her that Mr. Hammam uses the hairdressing salon as a facade behind which he conceals his illegal activities in order to keep away from him any suspicion on the part of the police as well as any legal responsibility and this, without the knowledge of the tenants of the premises.

In addition, Marina told Mrs. Irene, for whom she worked, that she was quitting and that she would no longer return to the hairdressing salon.

Arriving at her parents' house, where Marina was staying during this period because she was having disputes with her husband, she told her family about the incident that had happened at the hairdressing salon and told her family that she had quit and that she would not return to the hairdressing salon. Her father supported her regarding this decision.

Mr. Hammam having learned that Marina had discovered what he was hiding behind the rental of his hairdressing salons to Christians, he then visited Marina's parents on two (2) occasions and began threatening them. Mr. Hammam threatened Marina's brother and told him that he would imprison him, counting on the fact that his cousin Mr. Hicham Hamad is a general of the Egyptian state.

Subsequently, Mr. Hammam began threatening Marina via Muslim girls who worked at the hairdressing salon with Marina. These girls were contacting Marina on the phone asking to see her, but Marina had refused and told them that she had quit her job at the hairdressing salon and that everything was behind her.

However, one of the Muslim girls, an accomplice of Mr. Hammam, contacted Marina one day telling her that Mrs. Irene the tenant of the hairdressing salon, has left the hairdressing salon and that she is no longer a tenant, and that Mr. Hammam offers to rent the hairdressing salon to her. Marina refused while indicating that she had reconciled with her husband and that she was going to leave the governorate of Qena and go to live in Cairo with her husband.

Mr. Hammam having realized that his threats and attempts to silence Marina and her family did not give the expected result and that Marina and her family are a threat to him, so he tried to reach them by breaking into their lives in another way, by offering Marina's husband a job with a very tempting salary but in Qena (where Mr. Hammam lives as well as Marina's family).

During this period, Marina's husband worked in Hurghada (Egypt), and Marina joined him there. Mr. Hammam was insistent in his attempts to approach Marina's husband and put a lot of pressure on him in order to accept Mr. Hammam’s offer. This insistence on the part of Mr. Hammam aroused Marina's husband's curiosity and suspicions about what Mr. Hammam is hiding. Marina's husband then decided to find out what was hidden behind Mr. Hammam, Marina's husband had to agree to work for Mr. Hammam in Qena.

Marina's husband then informed his family-in-law of his decision to work for Mr. Hammam. Upon learning of this decision, his brother-in-law (Marina's brother) told him that Mr. Hammam is a dangerous person. Marina's husband replied to his brother-in-law saying that he thinks Mr. Hammam is dangerous, but that he is curious to know what is behind Mr. Hammam and the reasons for his insistence that he (Marina's husband) works for him.

After that, Marina's husband worked for Mr. hammam for about three (3) months and his suspicions about Hammam, who had many illegal activities, were confirmed. Then Marina's husband quit his job and informed his wife's family that he quit his job with Mr. Hammam and that he was going to go to Cairo to find a job but until he finds a job, Marina will stay with them and they must be careful because Mr. Hammam is lurking for Marina after she found out that Mr. Hammam uses the hairdressing salon as a front to hide his illegal activities and secretly attaches it to a secret warehouse to store weapons.

All these events took place a year before the kidnapping of Marina on December 6, 2022.

Part 2:

The accomplices of Mr. Hammam:

  • Mrs. Arwa, lawyer from Aswan;
  • Mrs. Romaysaa Omar, and
  • Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman.
  • The director of the Civil Registry Office of Karmoz (in Alexandria), Mrs. XYZ.

Lawyers accomplices of Mr. Hammam:

  • Mr. Haitham Saber, Lawyer in Alexandria (Egypt)
  • Mr. Baker (right prononciation Bakr) El-Sayed, Lawyer in Alexandria (Egypt) and partner of the lawyer Mr. Haitham Saber; and
  • Mrs. Mona Saad El-Din Mohamed, Lawyer in Alexandria (Egypt) and partner of the lawyer Mr. Haitham Saber.

Egyptian state institutions complicit with Mr. Hammam:

  • The Egyptian police
  • Egyptian national security
  • Some judges (judicial system)
  • Civil Registry Offices.

Marina finally joined her husband in Cairo, but Mr. Hammam continued his maneuvers in order to capture Marina and a lawyer from Aswan, Mrs. Arwa, accomplice of Mr. Hammam, who occasionally visited the hairdressing salon where Marina worked in Qena and was a client, had Marina's phone number and entered in contact with Marina when she joined her husband in Cairo.

Mrs. Arwa, the lawyer and supposedly a former client of the hairdressing salon, suggested to Marina to refer her to a member of her family, Mrs. Romaysaa Omar, who has several hairdressing salons in Cairo and who could find a job for Marina in Cairo which will allow her to help her husband because life in Cairo is expensive. Marina accepted Mrs. Arwa's proposal without knowing that Mrs. Arwa and Mr. Hammam knew each other and were accomplices.

When Marina informed her family and her husband about the proposal of Mrs. Arwa, the lawyer from Aswan, they asked her how did she know Mrs. Arwa? Marina explained to them that Mrs. Arwa was a client who occasionally went to the hairdressing salon where Marina worked in Qena.


Part 3:

As Mrs. Arwa was the intermediary between Marina and Mrs. Romaysaa Omar, Mrs. Romaysaa Omar was then the intermediary between Marina and another lady named Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman who was going to hire Marina as a hairdresser.

On December 5, 2022, that is, one day before Marina's abduction, Marina had contacted her husband while he was at work to inform him that the next day (December 6, 2022), Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman would pick her up at home to accompany her and show her the hairdressing salon where Marina is going to work. Marina's husband has agreed with Marina that when Mrs. Basma arrives at their house the next day (December 6, 2022) that Marina will contact him so that he can go home to meet Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman and drive them with his car (Uber) to the place of the hairdressing salon where Marina will work (in Cairo).

On December 6, 2022, that is to say the day after the call that took place between Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman and Marina, Marina's husband left the house around 11:00 am or 11:30 am to go to work. Some time later, Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman contacted Marina to inform her that she did not know how to get there at the address of Marina's house and that she was waiting for Marina at the nearest metro station, Ezzbet Al-Nakhl station. Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman asked Marina to pick her up at the metro station. Marina went to pick up Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman at the metro station and since then Marina has not returned home and has been kidnapped by Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman and other people who were surely present and are collaborating with Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman to kidnap Christian girls and women.

Part 4:

Still on December 6, 2022, that is to say the same day Marina was abducted, it seems that a certificate of Islamization was produced for Marina on the same day of her abduction and this is what Marina's family later discovered.

In addition, Marina's family discovered that the day after Marina's abduction, that is to say on December 7, 2022, Marina's residence address was changed to that of Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman in Alexandria, building 31, Karmouz, Alexandria

Also, Marina's family discovered that on December 8, 2022, there was a power of attorney that Marina allegedly made to three (3) Muslim lawyers:

  • Mr. Haitham Saber, Lawyer in Alexandria (Egypt)
  • Mr. Baker (right prononciation Bakr) El-Sayed, Lawyer in Alexandria (Egypt) and partner of the lawyer Mr. Haitham Saber; and
  • Mrs. Mona Saad El-Din Mohamed, Lawyer in Alexandria (Egypt) and partner of the lawyer Mr. Haitham Saber.

Marina's family, moreover, later found out that on December 9, 2022, that is to say three (3) days after Marina’s abduction, the three Muslim lawyers (3) started legal proceedings, allegedly with a power of attorney from Marina, to divorce her from her Christian husband.

Part 5:

Many people, as well as Marina's family, were surprised at how quickly Marina's new identity card was issued, where only the address and place of residence were changed, because the minimum number of days to issue an identity card in Egypt is at least 4-5 days.

N.B.: It should be noted that the Christian religion which is Marina's initial religion has remained the same on her new identity card without any modification.

Also, how the lease was produced for Marina because it implies the presence of a guarantor of the lease.

Our comment: There is nothing surprising in Egypt because when it comes to the kidnapping of a Christian woman in Egypt and her Islamization by force, the extreme corruption of Muslims is demonstrated in these cases and, given that the majority of Muslims hold positions in the Egyptian state, they serve Islam through their position even if it is necessary for them to perform corrupt work, they are very corrupt when it comes to serving Islam by the Islamization of Christians, whether by force, rape, threat, seduction or any other means.

Marina's brother while continuing his investigations to find out a little more about the trap set for Marina, he met the director of the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria), Mrs. XYZ (Marina's brother could not find out her name), and told her that there were arguments between his sister and him, that now he is coming to visit his sister to reconcile and would like to have her new address which appears on her new identity card and also he wishes to know who made the lease for her and who is the guarantor.

The Director of the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria), Mrs. XYZ, then asked him about the name of his sister and when Marina's brother mentioned the name of his sister, Marina Samir William, the Director of the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria), Mrs. XYZ, then answered immediately by telling him that his sister had converted to Islam and that if her address was changed on the papers through this office in Karmouz, then she converted to Islam.

Marina's brother replied to the Director of Civil Registration Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria), Mrs. XYZ, saying that he has a copy of Marina's new identity card and that all the information is correct including Marina’s religion which is the initial Christian religion but that only the information relating to Marina's address and place of residence in her new ID are false.

The director of the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria), Mrs. XYZ, immediately replied to Marina's brother by saying that Marina had converted to Islam and that he would no longer return to the Karmouz Civil Registry Office to look for Marina.

Marina's brother immediately replied by saying how is it that the Christian religion which is Marina's initial religion is still listed on her new identity card while the director of the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria), Mrs. XYZ, says that Marina has converted to Islam? And how come only the address has been changed on Marina's new identity card, how is a new address registered for Mrina, how could she have a lease and who is the guarantor.

Here, the director of the Civil Registry office, Mrs. XYZ, asked Marina's brother who is he to look for Marina? He replied by telling her once again that he is Marina's brother. Then, the director of the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria), Mrs. XYZ, told him that Marina is no longer part of their family because she has converted to Islam.

Verbal altercations took place between the Director of the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria), Mrs. XYZ, and Marina's brother who vowed not to keep silent about all these illegal procedures. The Director of the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria), Mrs. XYZ, in a sarcastic tone, replied to Marina's brother telling him to go complain about her if he wants.

Marina's brother told the Director of the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria), Mrs. XYZ, that he would file a complaint addressed to the President Al-Sisi and the Director of the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria), Mrs. XYZ, replied saying:to him “go ahead, aren't you (Christians) who elected him”. Then she asked Marina's brother to leave the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria), otherwise she would call the police, who would expel him and write a report, and therefore Marina's brother had no other choice but to leave the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria).

It should be noted that the Civil Registry Office of Karmouz (in Alexandria) is located a few steps of Karmoz Police station.

Part 6:

Regarding Marina's divorce from her Christian husband, it is certain that Marina is unaware of the divorce proceedings from her Christian husband, because since she was kidnapped, it is the Muslim kidnappers, in cooperation with the lawyers they work with, who make all the changes in all official papers and file cases, without the slightest knowledge on the part of the kidnapped Christian women who were forcibly Islamized. Marina's brother says that he attended three (3) court sessions on the issue of Marina's divorce from her Christian husband and during the three (3) court sessions his sister Marina was absent and did not appear before the judge to confirm her desire to divorce from her Christian husband, and this is evidence confirming that she was kidnapped and that she was islamization by force without her consent and without her knowledge.

In addition, Marina's brother pointed out that he mentioned to the judge that Marina had been kidnapped since December 2022 and that all these proceedings began after her abduction, which is illegal on the part of the lawyers cooperating with those who kidnapped Marina and that the judge should demand Marina's presence in court. Marina's brother also stated that despite everything he told the judge, the judge continued the proceedings as if Marina had not been kidnapped and expelled Marina's brother outside the courtroom.

Several practicing lawyers following the case pointed out to Marina's brother that the judge's verdict regarding Marina's divorce from her Christian husband is invalid because Marina did not appear in court.

In addition, Marina's brother indicated that Marina's family and her husband filed an appeal to challenge the verdict, according to which the court confirms Marina's divorce from her Christian husband despite Marina's absence and non-attendance at the court, but the appeal was rejected.

Marina's family and her husband have also filed an official complaint with the General Attorney because Marina's Christian husband has not received any communication or summons to appear in court regarding the divorce proceedings filed by Marina to divorce her from her Christian husband and he has not signed any acknowledgement of receipt regarding the divorce proceedings attributed to Marina.

Marina's family, as well as Marina's husband, discovered that Mr. Hammam (Marina's Muslim kidnapper) and his team of Muslim lawyers cooperating with him were the ones who initiated the alleged divorce proceedings to divorce Marina from her Christian husband after they forcibly converted Marina to Islam and that they were the ones who forged Marina's husband's signature on the acknowledgment of receipt of the procedure and on other documents, especially since Mr. Hammam had all the personal information of Marina's husband as well as a copy of his identity card and his signature because Marina's husband worked for Mr. Hammam for a few months.

As for Marina's personal information and a copy of her identity card, everything was in the possession of Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman (one of Mr. Hammam's collaborators) who claimed that she was offering Marina a job but she needed her personal information, a copy of her identity card and her signature arguing that as an employer she should have all this information about her employees to register them for insurance, filling out tax papers, etc.

After discovering that Mrs. Basma Abdel Rahman was one of Mr. Hammam's collaborators, it turned out that Mr. Hammam had all the personal information of Marina and her husband as well as copies of their identity cards and signatures.

Marina's brother continuing his investigations, he subsequently began investigations concerning Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman, he discovered that at the residence address of Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman, building 31, Karmouz, Alexandria, Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman also owns a SPA at the same address as well as three (3) other apartments on her name in the same building while Mr. Hammam has an apartment on his name at the same address.

After locating the address of Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman in Karamoz, Alexandria, where Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman was holding Marina, Marina's brother, accompanied by some friends and neighbors (including Muslim neighbors), went to the address of Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman, resident of the building 31, Karamoz, Alexandria, to free Marina, but many people from the neighborhood of Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman among the buyers and drug dealers who deal with Mr. Hammam (for whom Mrs. Basma works) as well as the Thugs of the neighborhood and even the state security agents who support and protect Mr. Hammam and Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman attacked Marina's brother and his friends with weapons and white knives.

During the battle, Marina's brother's friends who were present with him when he went to Ms. Basma Abdel-Rahman's address in Karmoz, Alexandria, to free Marina, saw that Marina was trying to open the balcony door of one of the apartments on the fifth floor of the building where Mrs. Basma lives. Marina was trying to open the balcony door while other people in the apartment were pushing her and closing the balcony door, Marina resisted them, she tried several times to open the balcony door but they were pushing her and closing the door. This scene is clearly a distress call from Marina and proof that she is kidnapped.

People / witnesses living in the neighborhood of Mrs. Basma Abdul Rahman confirmed to Marina's brother after Marina's brother showed them his sister's photo that Marina was present in one of Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman's apartments in the building on the fifth floor.

In addition, one of the witnesses told Marina's brother that Mrs. Basma Abdel Rahman was holding two (2) other Christian girls from Shubra Al-Khaimah who were also kidnapped and that they were in the same apartment where Marina was locked up and that these two girls (2) could not escape from Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman's House.

After that, on December 11, 2022 (that is, six (6) days after Marina was kidnapped), Marina's brother went to the police station and met with Mr. Amir Mustafa, one of the detective assistants in Karmouz, Marina's brother informed him of the latest results related to his investigations and asked him to go with a police force to the address of Mrs. Basma to free his sister Marina. This detective assistant, Mr. Amir Mustafa, together with some policemen, went to the address of Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman in Karmouz and asked Mrs. Basma Abdel Rahman some questions about Marina Samir William and if she was at Mrs. Basma's House.

Islamization being the secret of Muslims to give legitimacy to any crime against Christians, and it is also the secret of obtaining assistance and absolute cooperation from any Muslim, regardless of his position and even regardless of the application of laws. Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman took aside Mr. Amir Mustafa the detective assistant, and told him in private that Marina had converted to Islam, and here was the secret message from Mrs. Basma, according to which she told Mr. Amir Mustafa, the detective assistant, that he must now turn a blind eye to the search for Marina and leave Marina locked up in Basma's house because the goal is Islamization, even if Islamization is done by force because it is necessary to serve Islam and make it victorious.

The assistant detective Mr. Amir Mustafa being a Muslim, and like any Muslim who wishes to serve Islam and participate to any action that may lead to the victory of Islam, he really served Islam by turning a blind eye to the kidnapping of Marina. Although he tried to prove that he was doing his job perfectly, he indicated that he should inspect the premises, knowing however in advance that following his private discussion with Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman he would announce after his inspection of the premises that Marina is not present or detained at Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman's house despite the fact that Marina is present and is already detained at Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman's house, and that is exactly what he did and said after inspecting the building.

After the Muslim assistant detective, Mr. Amir Mustafa, indicated that he was starting the building inspection, half an hour later he came down from the building indicating that he had completed the building inspection, he informed Marina's brother who was waiting for him at the entrance that the building inspection had been completed and that it turns out that Marina is not present in the building.

Marina's brother wondered how the detective assistant Mr. Amir Mustafa inspected the fifty-four (54) apartments of the building in just half an hour. Marina's brother then asked the detective assistant Mr. Mustafa how he was able to inspect fifty-four (54) apartments in such a short time? And why Marina is not present at the address of Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman, which is the address declared as Marina's residential address, while Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman is present at this address.

It should be noted that the assistant detective, Mr. Amir Mustafa, who is muslim, had flatly refused to have Marina's brother accompany him during the inspection of the premises to find Marina, although Marina's brother told him that he is the only one able to recognize his sister even if she wears a niqab or other clothes that hide her face.

Marina's brother, who had also told the assistant detective, Mr. Amir Mustafa, that his friends who were accompanying him for the first time to Mrs. Basma Abdel Rahman's house in Karmoz Alexandria, saw Marina on the balcony of one of the apartments on the fifth (5th) floor and that she was trying to open the balcony door to ask for help while people in Mrs. Basma's house were trying to push her and close the balcony door and that Mr. Amir Mustafa, the assistant detective, should inspect the apartments on the fifth (5th) floor. Then the latter asked Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman some questions about the apartment on the fifth (5th) floor, but Mrs. Basma told him that this apartment on the fifth (5th) floor belongs to an owner who lives outside the country and that the apartment is closed. Later the assistant detective, Mr. Amir Mustafa, mentioned to Marina's brother that when he went to see the apartment in question, he found a padlock on the apartment door.

Perhaps Marina was imprisoned in this apartment and in order to give the impression that no one lives in this apartment, Mrs. Basma Abdul Rahman put a lock on the door of this apartment to give the impression that the apartment is unoccupied and that no one lives in this apartment. It is also possible that it was the detective assistant, Mr. Amir Mustafa, who said this himself to Marina's brother in order to remove any doubt and insistence that Marina was in the house of Mrs. Basma Abdul Rahman, and all this to serve and support Islam.

After some time, Marina's brother learned from some people / witnesses living in the neighborhood of Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman, to whom he showed the photo of his sister (Marina), that Marina was being held in one of Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman's apartments on the fifth (5th) floor at the address above, but after Marina's brother went with his friends and neighbors to free Marina from Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman's House, Mr. Hammam and Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman moved Marina to another unknown place.

Around April 24, 2023: After some members of Marina Samir William's family appeared on social media sites in March 2023 and made a big noise condemning Marina's abduction since December 6, 2022 as well as the sequence of illegal legal proceedings after her abduction, all met by the complete silence of the Egyptian state and the non-conviction of the Muslim kidnappers without having undertaken serious actions to free Marina from the hands of her captors, people were surprised on April 24, 2023 (i.e. four (4) months after Marina's abduction) by the appearance of a video on one of the Islamic sites on YouTube, the same example as those videos to which we used to see whenever Muslims kidnapped a Christian girl or woman and forcibly converted her to Islam, in which Marina announced that she had converted to Islam of her own free will and asked her family and friends to stop looking for her. And of course, as we had all learned from some Christian women who were abducted by Muslims and converted to Islam by force but later freed from their Muslim captors, that these videos in which kidnapped Christian women appear and declare their Islam are videos filmed under threat, under the influence of drugs, violent beatings and at gunpoint, where the Muslim kidnappers force the Christian girl or woman to appear in this video to announce that she has converted to Islam of her own free will (which is not true) and that the Christian girls and women, under threat, are forced to repeat all the words dictated to them by the Muslim kidnappers otherwise they will be beaten and killed.

Part 7:

It should be noted that Mr. Hammam, Marina's Muslim kidnapper who kidnapped Marina and forcibly converted her to Islam, went to Marina's parents’ house and Marina's mother was the only one who was at home at the time, Mr. Hammam threatened her, saying that Marina would not be returned to them and Marina's brother would be killed.

Marina's mother immediately contacted Marina's father, who went to the police to file a report, but the Egyptian police refused to write a report about the incident and the police informed Marina's father that they would ask Mr. Hammam to apologize to the family.

In addition, Marina's brother says that two SUVs (two cars) shot at him but Jesus saved him and that Mr. Hammam continues his threats to Marina's entire family. Currently, Marina's brother lives away from his family, hiding from Mr. Hammam and from the assassins who are paid by Mr. Hammam to kill Marina's brother.

Part 8:

It seems that Mr. Hammam is currently playing the same game with another Christian girl from Qena (Egypt), where he offers her to rent one of his hairdressing salons in order to kidnap her and then forcibly convert her to Islam, especially since Mr. Hammam receives large sums from wealthy Saudis to kidnap Christian girls and women in Egypt and forcibly convert them to Islam. It should be noted that Mr. Hammam has a residence in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Some people say that Mr. Hammam and his team, as well as some prominent figures in the Egyptian state who are behind Mr. Hammam, have so far kidnapped about twenty-six (26) Egyptian Christian girls and women and forcibly converted them to Islam, all this has brought a great fortune to Mr. Hammam and his team as well as to prominent figures in the Egyptian state who are involved in the kidnapping and Islamization of Egyptian Christian girls and women by force. Unfortunately, the families of all these Christian girls and women who were kidnapped by Mr. Hammam and forcibly converted to islam are afraid to speak publicly about the abduction and Islamization of their daughters.

Part 9:

Marina's brother filed complaints addressed to President Al-Sisi, the Attorney General and the Prime Minister, but all his complaints were not answered.


The people involved in the kidnapping and forced Islamization of Marina Samir William are the following :

Marina Samir William is abducted par the muslim :

Cheikh : Hammam Hassan Attalah Hussin

(Known as : Hammam Abou El-Wafa)

Antique smuggler; 

arms dealer, 

and kidnapper of several Christian girls/women

Mrs. Basma Abdel-Rahman

One of the collaborators of the kidnapper Sheikh Hammam :

Details  & photo : Soon


Another collaborator of the kidnapper Sheikh Hammam:

Details  & photo : Soon

Employee of Al-Azhar (the main institution of Islam), signatory of the certificate of forced Islamization.


Another collaborator of the kidnapper Sheikh Hammam:

Details  & photo : Soon

??? Officer / Police force

Mr. Haytham Hassan Saber, Lawyer

Another collaborator of the kidnapper Sheikh Hammam:

Details  & photo : Soon

The muslim lawyer dealing with the divorce of Christian woman Marina Samir William, forcibly islamized, from her Christian husband.

Mr. Bakr Al-Sayed Mohamed, Lawyer

Another collaborator of the kidnapper Sheikh Hammam:

Details  & photo : Soon

Muslim lawyer and associates with the lawyer Mr. Haytham Hassan Saber, who is dealing with the divorce of Christian woman Marina Samir William, forcibly islamized, from her Christian husband.

Mrs. Mona Saad Al-Din,  Lawyer

Another collaborator of the kidnapper Sheikh Hammam:

Details  & photo : Soon

Muslim lawyer and associates with the lawyer Mr. Haytham Hassan Saber, who is dealing with the divorce of Christian woman Marina Samir William, forcibly islamized, from her Christian husband.

???? Judge

Another collaborator of the kidnapper Sheikh Hammam:

Détails et photo : À venir

Judge of the divorce trial of Mrs Marina Samir William, forcibly Islamized, from her Christian husband.

This judge has been informed of Marina's abduction and of the illegality of any paper signed after her abduction but yet he is continuing the procedure for Marina's divorce from her Christian husband.

The Islamization Certificate of Marina Samir William produced by Al-Azher & Video (coming soon)

Certificate of Islamization produced by Al-Azher (the institution of Islam) in the name of Marina Samir dated December 6, 2022, signed by Mr. Mustafa Abdel-Shafi.

N.B. The photo does not seem to be that of Marina Samir William

Coming Soon

(NEW DEVELOPPMENTS following the session to be held on August 2023)


Importance of follow-up with customers | MyOperator


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