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Content of this section:


This section will expose recent cases but also less recent cases of abductions of Christian girls and women in Egypt by Muslims for the purpose of Islamization by force. These Christian girls and women from Egypt are abducted and Islamized either by force, threats or seduction (following the application of the Islamic plan "JIHAD OF THE WOMB" ) - (For explanation: See Section / Page "VARIA" on this site).


Also, please read:

MEMOIRS OF A DEMON - Confessions of a former Sharia Association member

Many of these Christian girls and women, once abducted by Muslims, are raped by Muslims and filmed naked in a video that the Muslim kidnappers use as a means of pressure and threats on the Christian girl or woman if she rebels against her Islamization by force.

As soon as Christian girls and women are abducted (either directly by force or indirectly by seduction and the illusion of a deceptive love expressed by a Muslim liar), Al-Azhar (located in Egypt), which is the pioneer institution of Islam for all Arab countries, produces in less than 24 hours a certificate of Islamization with change of name and religion of the abducted Christian girl or woman to indicate that this Christian girl or woman has become Muslim and changed her religion to Islam.

Following the production of the certificate of Islamization by Al-Azhar, without delay, and within a maximum period of one (1) or two (2) days, the Egyptian state modifies all the identity documents of the Christian girl or woman abducted and forcibly Islamized and produces new papers in order to confirm the forced Islamization of the Christian girl or woman abducted for the purposes of Islamization.

It is noteworthy that the Muslim kidnappers. as soon as they have kidnapped a Christian girl or woman for the purpose of Islamization by force, they force her to appear in a video in which she appears wearing a hijab and they force her to say that she is not kidnapped and that her family and friends will have to stop looking for her, stop disturbing the police and that she chose Islam of her own free will. Now that several Christian girls and women who were abducted by Muslims for the purpose of Islamization by force have managed to escape from their Muslim captors, these Christian girls and women have revealed that their Muslim captors force the kidnapped Christian girls and women to say what they say in the videos in order to clear the Muslim captors of their crime of kidnapping and islamization by force, and to save the face of Islam, as well as Muslims and Islamization by force.

Several personalities of the Egyptian state, several Egyptian government organizations including the police and national security are involved directly and indirectly in the abduction and Islamization by force of the Christians of Egypt, without forgetting Al-Azhar, the pioneer institution of Islam throughout the world and the sheiks of Al-Azhar. Policemen, lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, sheikhs, as well as wealthy Gulf Arabs who finance this movement of forced Islamization of Christians in Egypt are involved on a large scale in the kidnapping and Islamization of Christians in Egypt.

Every day, Christian girls and women are abducted in Egypt for the purpose of Islamization, with the blessing of the Egyptian state and several of these Christian girls and women have not yet returned to their families despite the cries launched by the families of these Christian girls and women. Egyptian National Security is above all a lever arm that the Egyptian state raises to persecute Christians, Egyptian National Security constantly threatens several Christian families who demand the release of their Christian daughters from the hands of Muslim kidnappers and Islam.

(If available), will be exposed to you in this section:

  • The photos of the Muslim kidnappers, as well as the Muslim sheiks, judges, lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, policemen, and any other Muslim man and Muslim woman involved in this evil plan of cruel persecution of Christians in Egypt.   
  • The photos of all the personalities of the Egyptian state, the ministers, the employees of the ministries (in particular those of the Ministry of the Interior), the employees of any Egyptian organization, as well as the photos of the rich Arabs, involved directly or indirectly, in the forced Islamization of the Christians of Egypt, including the presidents, princes and kings of the Arab and Muslim countries, who participate or finance this diabolical plan of islamization of Christians in Egypt by all means. All these personalities will be unveiled in order to allow Western countries to get to know these Muslim criminals, to take their precautions and to understand what these Muslim criminals can do in Western countries if these Muslim criminals one day want to obtain visas to visit, study or immigrate to one of the Western countries.
  • The videos of forced Islamization, filmed under threats, pressure or rape of the abducted Christian girl or woman and in which videos, the Muslim kidnappers force the abducted Christian girls and women to appear there to say that they chose Islam of their own free will and this, in order to whitewash Islam and the Muslim kidnappers, as well as the officers, judges, lawyers, staff and sheikhs of Al-Azhar, who are involved in the abduction of the Christian girl or woman converted by force, by rape or by seduction to Islam.
  • The certificates of Islamization produced by Al-Azhar will also be exhibited in order to allow you to get to know the usual suspects of Al-Azhar who sign the certificates of Islamization of these young Christian girls and women abducted and Islamized by force, these people of Al-Azhar, without the slightest doubt, cooperates directly and closely with the mafias kidnapping Christians in Egypt and their Islamization by force.
  • The new identity documents modified and produced by the Egyptian state will also be on display in order to allow you to observe the speed with which the Egyptian state and its institutions modify the papers of Christians when they are forcibly converted to Islam, all of course, in collaboration with the sheikhs of Al-Azhar, Muslim lawyers and judges as well as the Ministry of the Interior (minister, policemen and Egyptian National Security).


This section will be used to count as many cases as possible the abduction of Christian women in Egypt and their Islamization by force or by any other means. Approximate statistics will be provided to reflect the scale of the catastrophe of the abduction of Christian girls / women in Egypt and their Islamization by force, rape, seduction, threats or by any other means.   

What To Do?

Before proceeding to the presentation of the cases of Christian girls and women who have been abducted by Muslims in Egypt and converted to Islam by force, threats, rape, or other, we refer you to some means and tools currently available to combat this crime of persecution of Christians.

Tools to combat kidnapping and

the forced Islamization of Christian girls and women

Some tools are currently available to combat the abduction and forced Islamization of Christian girls and women, such as :

Signature of the petition:

"#End Trafficking of Copts" 

A call to human rights associations and women's rights organizations around the world, as well as to all those who believe in human dignity, to participate in the campaign against the abduction of Christian (Coptic) girls and women in Egypt and their Islamization by force. This phenomenon destroys Christian girls, women and families and they are all victims of the catastrophic Islam especially when the Egyptian state and society collaborate jointly with Al-Azhar (the main institution of Islam in the world, located in Egypt) to target Christian girls and women victims of this movement of Islamization of Christians by force, by threat, by seduction or by any other means.

Help us to put an end to these crimes of Islam!


Countless cases of abduction of Christian girls and women in Egypt for the purposes of Islamization, whether by force, rape, threats or others, we will reveal the details related to each case as we go along.

Approximate statistics

Below will be given, gradually, the details of each case of a Christian girl or woman abducted in Egypt by Muslims to be forcibly Islamized by all means.

In addition, as soon as the details of each case are exposed, the name of the Christian girl or woman abducted in Egypt for the purposes of Islamization will be inserted in the table below in order to compile approximate statistics on the cases of abductions of Christian girls and women in Egypt for the purposes of Islamization.


Kidnapping date 

Name of the christian girl /woman abducted



Date : Returned to her family

(In case she is returned)



  Marina Samir William

 Marina Samir William                  

24 y-old

December 13, 2023


 2. 2023-05-20 Dr. Sally Nessem Hakim Morcos

Dr. Sally Nessem Hakim Morcos

 31 y-old   


Coming Soon

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Please be back !



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