Jesus Christ is a faithful  FRIEND
Jesus Christ  is the  Best Friend!


is :

the light of the world

12.  Again, therefore, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I AM the light of the world; he who is following Me will not walk in the darkness, but he will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

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This website is created to fly AROUND the world,

covering the news of Christians AROUND the whole world,

whether happy news or less happy news and persecutions.    


Since Egypt is the country to which the holy family fled to escape persecution, therefore we will devote a special section to the news of Christians in Egypt.

Is Egypt still that safe country where Christians can live safely to escape persecution or, on the contrary, Egypt has become one of the first countries to persecute Christians?

To find out the answer, click on the

"Egyptian Christians News" button on top or bottom,

and you will discover the truth.


Where is the world from Jesus? Does the world still know Jesus.

Does the world apply the teachings of Christ to live happily, or are there Christians in some countries of the world who live in persecution while most  countries of the world do not know anything about them?                              

To find out the answer, click on the

"World Christians News" button on top or bottom,

and you will discover the truth.

Important notice regarding : 
The persecution of Christians in Egypt 

This page will provide approximate statistics for each of the types of persecution that Christians have suffered in Egypt in recent years.

The page will not only show recent cases of persecution, but will also reveal cases from the recent past for each of the types of persecution that Christians in Egypt have faced in recent years, so that you can better understand the high level of persecution of Christians in Egypt.


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